WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/26/21)

Mace and T-Bar vs. Mustafa Ali and Mansoor

Ali attacks T-Bar as soon as the bell rings. T-Bar destroys Ali with a tornado Boot. Mace and T-Bar beat down Ali. Ali surprises T-Bar with a spin kick. Ali tags in Mansoor. Mansoor lands a series of strikes on Mace. Mansoor hits a reverse DDT. Mace kicks out. T-Bar boots Mansoor out of the ring. Ali hits a suicide tornado DDT, saving Mansoor. Ali yells at Mansoor for not paying attention. Ali gets grabbed by Mace. Mansoor pushes Ali out of the way. Mace tries to chokeslam Mansoor but Mansoor counter with a roll up for the win.

Winners- Mustafa Ali and Mansoor

After the match, Mansoor tries to celebrate in the ring. T-Bar and Mace almost get their hands on him but Ali pulls him out of the ring. Mansoor hugs Ali. Ali doesn’t know how to react.

In-Ring Segment: Bobby Lashley and MVP

MVP asks the crowd to rise to their feet and show the proper respect to the WWE Champion. The crowd boos. MVP says last week Goldberg disrespected Lashley. MVP asks if Goldberg is next. Lashley says he’s not going to dignify Goldberg’s challenge with a response. Lashley says this is his ring and he won’t be disrespected by anyone. Cedric Alexander inturupts. Alexander complains about getting kicked out of the Hurt Business. Alexander says he knows Lashley knows he’s better than him.

Alexander wants Lashley tonight. Shelton Benjamin walks down to the ring. Benjamin calls Alexander’s voice annoying. Benjamin doesn’t care about The Hurt Business, he’s here to give Lashley a real challenge. MVP tells them they both look foolish. Lashley grabs the mic and says he’ll take them both on at the same time.

Bobby Lashley w/MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander

Lashley destroys both men. Lashley Spears Benjamin. Lashley gives Benjamin the Jackhammer. Lashley slams Alexander on top of Benjamin with the Dominator. Lashley pins both men at the same time.

Winner- Bobby Lashley

WWE RAW Results Continue On The Next Page!