Dean Malenko AEW
Photo Credit: Dominic DeAngelo

WATCH: Dean Malenko Live Virtual Signing

Four-time WCW Cruiserweight Champion Dean Malenko will be doing a Live Virtual Signing tonight on Monday Night Virtual, hosted by 80’s Wrestling Con.

The announcement is as follows:

Our Monday Night Virtual returns TONIGHT (Monday, July 26th) with “The Man of 1,000 Holds” DEAN MALENKO! You can go to our website now and order which photo you would like of Dean at and then watch him sign it live for you tonight on our Facebook Page. We will then ship it out to you following the signing. Dean will also be answering questions about his career from you the fans!

Check out the live stream at the top of this post!

RELATED: Dean Malenko Opens Up About His Daily Battle With Parkinson’s Disease


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