nxt takeover in your house

WWE NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results (6/13/21)

Backstage Kyle O’Reilly gets into a fight with Johnny Gargano.

Mercedes Martinez vs. Xia Li

Li and Martinez lock up and promptly fall out of the ring. Li lands a few kicks to Martinez’s gut outside the ring. Li sends Martinez back in the ring. Martinez back body drops Li. Suplex by Martinez. Li rolls out to the apron. Li locks Martinez in a rear-naked choke using the ropes. Li sends Martinez into the ring post. Li stomps Martinez in the corner. Li bow bends Martinez’s body around the ring post. Martinez is clutching at her ribs. Lee dropkicks Martinez while she is hung up in the ropes. Li tries a kick but Martinez side steps. Li kicks the ring post.

Li’s leg is hurt and she narrowly avoids getting counted out. Li and Martinez trade strikes. Li uses her bad leg to land a knee that drops Martinez but also hurts Li. Martinez surprises Li with a royal butterfly. Li responds with an exploder. Li charges in and gets stun gunned on the top ring post. Martinez hits a walking crucfix into a facebuster. Li kicks out. Martinez lands a jumping knee. Boa pulls Li out of the ring. Martinez gets in Boa’s face. Li tries a sneak attack but Martinez back body drops her out on the floor. Martinez sends Li back in the ring. Martinez sets up the Air Raid Crash. Li escapes and lands a nasty spin kick that floors Martinez. Li pins Martinez.

Winner- Xi Li

After the match, Li grabs a chair. Martinez wrestles the chair away and hits Boa with it. Martinez hits Li with the chair over and over again. Li rolls out on the ramp. The arena lights dim. Martinez looks at Mei Ying and yells she isn’t scared. Ying stands up from her throne. Martinez says she if Ying wants to go, they can go, bitch. Ying grabs Martinez by the throat. Martinez hits Ying in the gut with the chair. Ying grabs Martinez by the throat again. Ying launches Martinez off the ramp into the barricade. Martinez falls in a heap.


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