WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (6/7/21)

Sheamus comes down to the ring. He’s wearing a face mask to guard his broken nose.

United States Championship Number One Contender’s Match: Ricochet vs. Humberto Carrillo

Sheamus grabs a mic and says it’s not right that Ricochet and Carrillo may get an opportunity at his title. Carrillo feint kicks at Sheamus. Ricochet feint dives at Sheamus. Sheamus is terrified. Carrillo and Ricochet laugh at Sheamus as he Angryily storms around outside the ring. Ricochet knocks Carrillo off the apron. After the break, Ricochet slams Carrillo and immediately hits a leaping elbow drop. Carrillo surprises Ricochet with a crossbody off the top for a near fall. Carrillo hits roll up into a powerbomb. Ricochet kicks out.

Carrillo stomps Ricochet in the corner. Carrillo knocks Ricochet off the apron. Suicide dive by Carrillo. Carrillo sends Ricochet back into the ring. Missile dropkick by Carrillo. Ricochet kicks out. Carrillo misses a moonsault but lands on his feet. Ricochet destroys Carrillo with a lariat. Deadlift German suplex hold by Ricochet. Carillo kicks out. Carrillo ends up on the apron. Ricochet follows. Ricochet and Carrillo trade strikes on the apron. Ricochet charges at Carrillo. Carrillo catches Ricochet and hits a Spanish fly off the apron. both men are counted out.

Winner- Draw

Backstage, MVP find Kingston. MVP asks if he can speak with him. MVP says prior to representing Lashley, he was a Kingston fan.MVP says seeing Kingston in the ring with his kids after winning the WWE Championship at WrestleMania is one of the reasons he came back to WWE. Kofi Mania disappeared soon after that. Why? Because Kingston isn’t Lashley. MVP thought he saw the world champion Kingston in the ring last week, but after losing he shook McIntyre’s hand. Kofi Mania ended because Kingston let it. MVP says Kingston rather be backstage shucking and jiving with his buddy. Kingston cuts MVP off and tells him to watch his mouth. Kingston’s strength is his family and friends. Kingston doesn’t want MVP’s advice.

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