WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (5/25/21)

Pete Dunne w/Oney Lorcan vs. Bobby Fish

Fish goes for a head kick as soon as the bell rings. Dunne narrowly avoids it. Fish and Dunne trade strikes. Fish beats Dunne into the ropes. The referee admonishes Fish. Dunne surprises Fish with a stiff elbow to the face. Dunne takes down Fish and ground and pounds him. Fish and Dunne trade submission holds. Fish sends Dune out of the ring. After the break, Dunne is working over Fish. Fish fires up and hits a huge spinebuster. Fish ground and pounds Dunne. Fish locks in a sleeper. Dunne tries to break Fish’s fingers.

Dunne and Fish brawl around the ring. Back in the ring, Dunne tries to lock in a  double wrist lock. Fish suplexes Dunne in the ropes to break the hold. Dunne and Fish clinch and trade knee strikes. Dunne lands a German suplex. Fish responds with a running knee for a near fall. Dunne tries to role Fish into an armbar. Fish tries to break the hold. Dunne snaps Fish’s fingers. Fish and Dunne trade counters. Dunne flips Fish into the Bitter End. Dunne pins Fish.

Winner- Pete Dunne

After the match, Lorcan attacks Fish.  Lorcan says he’s going to put Fish back on the shelf. Lorcan stomps Fish’s previously injured triceps.

Backstage, Mercedes Martinez says he road back to Raquel Gonzalez and the NXT Women’s title starts tonight. Boa is in the background watching Martinez.

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