wwe wrestlemania 37

WWE WrestleMania Night 1 Results (4/10/21)

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Sasha Banks (c) vs. Bianca Belair

Belair and Banks are both fighting back tears. Banks forces Belair into the corner. Clean break by Banks. Banks takes down Belair. Belair kips up. Banks tries a sunset flip but Belair does a backflip and lands on her feet. Belair almost hits the KOD. Banks escapes. Banks hangs Belair up on the top rope. Belair falls off the apron to the floor. Banks tries a suicide dive but Belair rolls through and picks Banks up in a press slam. Belair holds Banks in the air as she walks up the stairs and dumps her back in the ring. Belair does squats before slamming Banks. Belair tries a handspring but Banks pulls Belair by her hair. Knee strike by Banks. Banks blast Belair with a shining wizard. Belair kicks out again. Banks tries to send Belair into the turnbuckle but Belair turns it into a spine buster. Banks tries to pull Belair into the ring post by her hair.

Belair overpowers Banks and send her into the ring post. Banks tries a running knee strike. Belair moves out of the way and Banks crashes into the barricade. Belair picks Banks up for a suplex. Belair bounces Banks off of the ropes. Banks tries to punch her way out of the suplexes but Belair refuses to let go. Belair struggle suplexes Banks. Glam Slam by Belair. Belair tries a 450 but Banks gets her knees up. Banks knees Belair in the face. Banks tries a rann, but Belair reverses it into a double powerbomb. Belair tries a third but Banks turns it into a facebuster. Banks stomps Belair in the corner. Banks hits a double springboard tornado DDT. Banks hits a frog splash. Belair kicks out. Banks tosses Belair into the ring steps. Banks puts Belair in a Rings of Satun using Belair’s hair. Banks transition into the Bank Statement. Belair manages to roll to the ropes. Banks uses the full five count. Banks mocks Belair, calling her a rookie. Belair pushes Banks into the corner. Belair misses a handspring kick. Banks traps Belair in a tree of woe. Banks misses a meteroa but tries a running knee strike. Belair moves out of the way.  Belair hits a 450. Banks kicks out. Banks tries to use Belair’s hair against her but Belair yanks it out of Banks’ hand. Belair whips Banks’ with her hair so hard it sounded like a gunshot went off. Belair is livid. Belair deadlifts Banks off her feet and hits a devastating KOD. Belair pins Banks!

Winner and NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion, Bianca Belair!

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