wwe wrestlemania 37

WWE WrestleMania Night 1 Results (4/10/21)

Bayley invades the commentary desk and sets up the 2020 Hall of Fame video package.

Miz and Morrison “rap” their new song Hey Hey Hop Hop to the ring, surrounded by people in bunny costumes.

The Miz and John Morrison vs. Damian Priest and Bad Bunny

Priest tries to start the match but Miz wants Bad Bunny. Bad Bunny obliges.  Bad Bunny decks Miz. Miz drops like a sack of bricks. Bad Bunny lands another jab. Bad Bunny lands a flurry of punches. Miz drives Bad Bunny into the corner. Bad Bunny double legs Miz and rains down more punches. Miz knees Bad Bunny in the gut. Bad Bunny front flips out of an arm drag and lands an arm drag of his own. Drop toe hold by Bad Bunny. Bad Bunny ties Miz up in a la magistral cradle. Miz kicks out. Miz kicks Bad Bunny in the gut. Bad Bunny surprises Miz with tornado head-scissors. Miz tags out. Bad Bunny lands a splash in the corner on Morrison.

Bad Bunny tries another but Morrison elbows him out of the air. Miz and Morrison work over Bad Bunny. Morrison does the spinaroonie to mock Booker T, who is at the commentary desk. Bad Bunny surprises Miz with a tornado DDT. Bad Bunny manages to tag in Priest, who clears the ring. Priest tosses Miz at Morrison. South of Heaven chokeslam. Miz kicks out. Bad Bunny and Priest hit double falcon arrows. Miz kicks out. Priest lands a dive on Miz and Morrison. Bad Bunny lands a dive of his own. Miz counters Priest’s finish with the Skull Crushing Finale. Bad Bunny breaks up the pin. Bad Bunny hits a Candian Destroyer on Morrison outside the ring! Priest and Bad Bunny hit a doomsday splash. Bad Bunny pins Miz.

Winners- Damian Priest and Bad Bunny

WWE WrestleMania Night 1 Results Continue On The Next Page!