wwe wrestlemania 37

WWE WrestleMania Night 1 Results (4/10/21)

Tag Team Turmoil Match: Lana and Naomi vs. Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose vs. Carmella and Billie Kay vs. The Riott Squad vs. Natalya and Tamina 

Naomi and Lana start the match with Carmella and Billie Kay. Lana lands a few strikes before Carmella takes control. Kay and Carmella work over Lana. Lana surprises Kay with a head-scissor into a Russian leg sweep. Carmella and Kay get a cheap pin on Naomi for the pinfall.

Lana and Naomi have been eliminated

The Riott Squad is next. Carmella and Kay beatdown Morgan. Morgan and Riott hit a double knees/senton combo for the pinfall.

Carmella and Billie Kay have been eliminated

Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke are next. Brooke hits a blockbuster for a near fall. Riott kicks out. Rose hits a superplex on morgan. Brooke follows that with a senton. Morgan reverses it into a roll-up for a surprise pinfall.

Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke have been eliminated

Natalya and Tamina are next. Tamina and Natalya double team Morgan. Riott and Morgan manage to hit their finish on Tamina. Tamina kicks out. Tamina superkicks Morgan. Tamina and Natalya hit the Hart Attack on Riott. Natalya is about to go for the Sharpshooter, Natalya thinks better of it and tells Tamina to go up top. Tamina hits the Superfly Splash for the win.

The Riott Squad has been eliminated

Winners- Natalya and Tamina

Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro

As soon as the bell rings Cesaro destroys Rollins with a running European uppercut. Cesaro goes for the swing but Rollins avoids it. Springboard European uppercut by Cesaro. Rollins goes up top. Cesaro dropkicks Rollins. Cesaro tries to suplex Rollins off the top but Rollins rolls through and turns it into a buckle bomb. Rollins superplexes Cesaro and immediately transition into the falcon arrow. Cesaro kicks out. Cesaro unloads on Rollins with strike after strike. Cesaro turns Rollins inside out with a discus lariat. Rollins kicks out. Cesaro tries the swing but Rollins turns it into a pin. Rollins goes for the stomp but Cesaro reverses it into the swing.

Cesaro swings Rollins nine times. Cesaro locks Rollins in the Sharpshooter. Rollins gets to his feet. Rollins sends Cesaro into the turnbuckle. Cesaro re-injures his arm. Springboard knee by Rollins. Rollins goes up top and hits a corkscrew frog splash! Cesaro kicks out. Rollins tries the ripcord knee but Cesaro reverses it into the Neutralizer. Rollins kicks out. Rollins surprises Cesaro with the Pedigree. Cesaro kicks out. Rollins elbows Cesaro in the back of the head. sidekick by Rollins. Rollins tries the Stop but Cesaro launches Rollins in the air and hits the Swiss Death uppercut. No hands airplane spins Rollins. Cesaro swings Rollins again. Cesaro hits another Neutralizer for the win!

Winner- Cesaro


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