WWE Fastlane Results

WWE Fastlane Results (3/21/21)

Main Card

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair

Banks and Belair double team Baszler. Baszler locks Belair in a triangle. Belair slams her way out of it. Banks tags in as Jax does. Jax runs over Banks. Belair tags in and meets the same fate. Baszler and Jax take turns working over Belair. Belair manages to tag in Banks, who clears the ring. Belair tags back in and hits a 450. Reginald gets on the apron to distract the referee. Banks chases Reginald away. Baszler locks Belair in the Clutch. Belair escapes. Banks tags herself in and puts Baszler in the Bank Statement. Jax rushes the ring but Belair cuts her off. Jax pushes Belair into Banks to break the hold. Banks gets in Belair’s face and calls her a rookie. Banks doesn’t need Belair’s help. Belair leaves the ring. As Banks is barking at Belair, Baszler rolls her up for the win.

Winners and STILL WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler!

After the match, Banks slaps Belair and calls her a rookie again. Belair is flabbergasted. She’s shocked Banks had the nerve. Belair charges at Banks. Banks runs away.

Backstage, Shane McMahon leaves the trainer’s room with his knee wrapped and with a crutch. Elias stops Shane and begs to be able to perform at WrestleMania. Shane says he may have an idea.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Big E (c) vs Apollo Crews

As soon as the bell rings Big E and Crews tear into each other. Big E sends Crews out to the apron. Big E spears Crews through the ropes. Big E stomps Crews on the apron. Big E splashes Crews on the apron twice. Big E suplexes Crews all over the ring. Big E keeps saying this is what Crews wanted. Crews dropkicks Big E’s knee. Crews lands multiple German Suplexes. Crews gets a near fall after a frog splash. Crews tries a standing moonsault but Big E gets his knees up. Crews small packages Big E. Big E  counters and both superstar’s shoulders are down. At the last minute, Big  E lifts his shoulder. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, Big E!

After the match, Crews attacks Big E. Crews hits three Olympic slams. Crews slaps Big E over and over again. Crews exclaims this isn’t over.


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