wwe elimination chamber

WWE Elimination Chamber Results (2/21/21)


February 21, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Kickoff Show

Mustafa Ali w/Retribution vs. John Morrison vs. Ricochet vs. Elias (Winner will be Added to the United States Championship Triple Threat Match.

Morrison and Elias attack Ricochet. Ricochet dumps them both out of the ring. Ricochet tries a springboard but Ali pulls him off the ropes. A four-way brawl breaks out. Elias catches Ricochet with a mule kick. While everyone is intertwined, Ali hits a neck breaker that causes Elias to drop Morrison and Ricochet. Ali lands a high-angle suplex on Ricochet for a near fall. Elias drops Ali with a  running knee. Slapjack pulls Elias off of Ali to break up the pin.

Sitout chokeslam bu Elias. Ali breaks up the pin, saving Ricochet. Morrison hits the moonlight drive for a near fall on Ricochet. Morrison misses Starship Pain. Ricochet flattens Ali and Morrison with a springboard moonsault. Ricochet blasts Morrison with a bridging dragon suplex for a near fall. Ricochet crushes Ali with a 450 splash. Retribution pulls Ali out of the ring. Ricochet tries a dive but T-Bar and Mace catch him. Ricochet powerbombs Ricochet into the ring post. Back in the ring, Morrison rolls up Ali for the win.

Winner- John Morrison

The Miz Cashes In, New United States Champion (WWE Elimination Chamber Post-Show)

WWE Elimination Chamber Results Continue On The Next Page!


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