WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (1/20/21)

Backstage, Malcolm Bivens is waiting to go speak to Commissioner Regal. Bivens says he is going to take Tyler Rust to the top. Rust walks out of Regal’s office. Rust says he got here early and took the lead. He got the match they wanted. A match against Bronson Reed. Bivens leans in and tells Rust that isn’t the way he would have gone with this. Bivens exclaims that it doesn’t matter, Rust is going to come out on top tonight.

Karion Kross w/Scarlett vs. Ashante THEE Adonis w/Desmond Troy

Adonis lands a few strikes. Kross hits multiple suplexes followed by a nasty Doomsday Saito. Adonis struggles to his feet. Kross hits another Doomsday. Adonis gets up again. Kross blasts Adonis with a running elbow to the back of his head. Kross pins Adonis.

Winner- Karrion Kross

After the match, Troy checks on Adonis. Kross locks Troy in the Kross Jacket.

Backstage, Toni Storm and Mercedes Martinez say they are going to destroy Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro tonight.

Men’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: Lucha House Party vs. IMPERIUM

Barthel works over Dorado. Dorado lands a second rope rana. Metalik tags in and stands on Dorado’s shoulders. Dorado walks Metalik over to Barthel. Metalik hits a splash off of Dorado’s shoulders. Aichner tags in and drops Metalik with a rib breaker. Metalik surprises Aichner with a reverse sling blade. Metalik and Dorado clear the ring. Dorado tries a dive but is caught by Aichner. Aichner drives Dorado into the ring post before slamming him hard on the floor. Barthel locks Metalik in the tree of woe. Barthel and Aichner meet in the middle on Metalik.

After the break, IMPERIUM is working over Dorado. Dorado manages to tag in Metalik, who walks the ropes and takes Aichner over with a rana. Metalik lands a beautiful moonsault off the top for a near fall. Metalik dropkicks Aichner into a sunset bomb by Dorado. Barthel breaks up the pin. Barthel pushes Metalik off the top into a deadlift suplex by Aichner. Barthel pulls Dorado off the top and hits an air raid crash. Dorado kicks out. Dorado escapes the European Bomb. Metalik lands a moonsault to the outside to Achiner. Dorado superkicks Barthel. Dorado hits a shooting star press on Barthel for the win!

Winners- Lucha House Party

After the match, Alexander Wolfe appears on the stage. Barthel, Aichner, and Wolfe IMPERIUM solute each other.



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