WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (1/13/21)

Backstage, Blackheart asks Ember Moon to be her partner in the Women’s Dusty Cup.

Johnny Gargano w/Austin Theory vs. Dexter Lumis

Gargano rips the picture Lumis drew for him. Thez press by Lumis. Gargano rolls out of the ring. Lumis slithers out of the ring. Gargano misses a PK. Lumis kips up and decks Gargano. Lumis goes up top. Gargano cuts Lumis off and tries a superplex. Lumis holds on to the top rope. Lumis knock Gargano off the top. Lumis misses a swanton. After the break, Gargano is working over Lumis. Lumis fires up and lands a few strikes. Bulldog by Lumis. Lumis blasts Gargano with a slingshot suplex. Belly-to-back suplex by Lumis.

Lumis kips up and crushes Gargano with a leaping leg drop. Lumis tries his finish. Gargano escapes. Gargano gets a near fall after a crucifix pin. Lumis kicks out. Gargano kicks Lumis in his head. Lumis just stares at Gargano. Gargano kicks him again. Gargano gets a two count. Lumis and Gargano trade strikes. Lumis hits the ropes but Theory hooks his leg. Gargano lands an enziguri. Gargano tries One Final Beat but Lumis puts on the breaks. Lumis locks Gargano in his patented head and arm choke. Theory gets on the apron and distracts Lumis. Gargano rolls up Lumis for the win.

Winner- Johnny Gargano

After the match, Lumis puts Theory in Silence. Gargano breaks it up. Gargano and Theory beat down Lumis. Kushida makes the save. Kushida puts Gargano in the Hoverboard Lock. Lumis locks Theory in Silence.

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