WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (12/14/20)

Earlier today, The Hurt Business accost a guy who was just trying to enjoy his bronut.

Backstage, Riddle walks in on Jeff Hardy and New Day and offers to be their “Bro E” tonight. Woods and Kingston are in. Hardy tells Riddle that they can be the Hardy Bros tonight.

The New Day and Jeff Hardy w/Riddle vs. The Hurt Business 

Lashley almost locks in the Hurt Lock as soon as the bell rings. Woods escapes and lands a few strikes. Kingston tags in and gets press slammed by Lashley. Alexander tags in and ends up walking into a monkey flip by Kingston. Kingston tags in Hardy, who works over Alexander in the corner. Alexander goes low on Hardy to take control. New Day and Hardy clear the ring. Woods plays the trombone as Kingston, Riddle, and Hardy dance. The Hurt Business regroups outside the ring.

After the break, Lashley grabs Kingston while he is on the apron and tosses him out to the floor. The Hurt Business takes turns working over Kingston. Kingston manages to tag in Hardy. Hardy compactors Alexander. Benjamin breaks up the pin. Everyone lands a big move. Lashley gets a blind tag. Hardy lands the Twist of Fate on Alexander. Lashley puts Hardy in the Hurt Lock. Hardy taps out.

Winners- The Hurt Business


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