Kenny Omega IMPACT Wrestling
Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Results (12/8/20)


Deonna Purrazzo & Kimber Lee vs. Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary

Rosemary licks her hand like a weirdo before attempting to lock up with Deonna who ends up twisting the arm. She and Rosemary battle it out and jock for position. She then cinches in the armbar, but Rosemary scares her off.

Later, Taya and Lee go at it and Lee gets a two before tagging in Deonna who goes on the offensive against Taya. Tag to Lee again and Kimber locks in the shoulders of Taya. Taya rolls back for a pin attempt and causes Lee to break the hold. Soon Taya fires back with shots and downs Lee. Taya struggles to tag Rosemary, but Kimber drags her back in the opposing corner. Tag to Deonna and the two execute a double suplex. Cover, two count.

Kimber and Deonna isolate Taya who fights back with chops. Taya catches her with kicks before Kimber and she catches one another with shots. Both their partners get tagged in. Major sling blade by Rosemary. Suplex, cover, but Deonna kicks out at two.

Later, Deonna looks for her armbar, but Rosemary spins free only to accept a flatline. Double-team backbreaker/neckbreaker combo on Rosemary. She freaks both Deonna and Lee with a “resurrection” and all four duke it out in the center of the ring. Deonna misfires and hits Kimber with a kick. Rosemary spears Deonna. Rosemary hits a sit-out package drop for the pinfall. They get the W.

WINNERS and ADVANCING: Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary

Tenille and Kyle with K approach Alisha Edwards. They want to talk business, but Alisha isn’t in the mood for it. If Tenille was a real friend, she’d notice that her husband, Eddie Edwards got attacked. Tenille and Kaleb kick her out of the team.

Deonna and Kimber Lee are frustrated and they approach Scott D’Amore. She asks Scott how she’s supposed to juggle all these jobs. Scott patronizes her before having her defend her Knockouts Title at Resolution against Rosemary. D’Amore’s just a madman with papers.

Sami Callihan is in the ring before he coughs (COVID, excuse me?). He asks who’s the highest IMPACT Wrestling talent of them all? He talks himself up. He talks about how he made waves with with baseball bat incident, where he hit Eddie Edwards with the baseball bat. He replays it on the big screen.

Sami laps it up. He then talks about doing it again. That incident got Shamrock suspended, but he’s doing great. Sami holds things down – “The Sequel” he calls himself and then tells them to roll the footage of the second attack. Out comes Alisha Edwards. He threatens her saying, “I’m gonna break your freaking neck.” Alisha says she didn’t come alone and Eddie jumps Sami from behind. Sami dives for the bat, but Eddie pulls it away from Sami. Eddie swings it and Sami runs away,

Eddie is fired up after the incident. Alisha says she helped him take care of his problem, now it’s time to take care of hers.

Chris Bey & Moose vs. Willie Mack & Rich Swann

Bey and Swann go back and forth until Swann dropkicks him out and we cut to commercial break. When we come back, Willie is on the offensive against Moose and slugs away before getting drilled with two powerful standing Rock Bottoms. Chris Bey then gets powerbombed on top of Willie (who looks a bit surprised). Cover for a two.

Bey chokes Mack with his boot in the neutral corner before tagging in Moose. Hard chop to Willie in the center of the ring. Moose stands over Mack has he challenges him to tag in Swann before stomping on his back. Bey gets the tag and drops a leg, goes for a cover, but gets a two. Moose gets tagged back in and talks trash while Willie is down. Willie delivers two stunners to Moose and tags in Swann who kicks away at Moose. He goes for a hurricanrana but Moose powerbombs him hard. Nonetheless, Swann dumps him out and ultimately flips Bey on top of Moose via hurricanrana. Cover for a two. Swann is sweeping before he tags in Mack. He goes for his six-star frog splash but misses. Bey hits a spinning heel kick on Swann. Willie hits Bey and Moose spears Mack before delivering hard shots to Mack. Heel kick from Rich Swann frees Mack but he’s out. Bey covers Willie and gets the win.

WINNERS: Chris Bey & Moose

Mathews readies himself for his interview with Callis and Omega.

Back from break, Swann looks to be entering the parking lot but is disallowed by the champion. At first, he thinks it’s “TNA Champ” Moose, but no, it’s Kenny Omega’s doing. Mathews gets let right in. Swann isn’t pleased by the AEW Champion’s actions.

We cut to Josh on the bus (Gus). He doesn’t see Kenny or Don initially, but sure enough, they enter from the back. Don welcomes Josh as Kenny doesn’t shake his hand (VERY funny). Don cuts Josh off and does “the ceremonial changing of the nameplate.” Kenny wanted to give IMPACT viewers a gift. They do that as Josh talks about Don’s actions and asks him how long this has been in the works. They toss the Moxley nameplate aside.

“You want to know, I think, when this all started,” Callis told Josh Matthews. “People like you live moment-to-moment in your lives. Kenny Omega and I think in years. Wanna know when this started? You probably expect me to go, ‘Last week.’ No. Not two weeks ago, not two years ago, not even two decades ago. 27 years ago this happened when I was trained as a professional wrestler by the Golden Sheik.

“The Golden Sheik was Kenny Omega’s uncle. He not only trained me as a wrestler, he was my manager and 27 years ago he introduced me to his nephew, a 10-year-old curly-haired kid named Kenny. For all of Kenny’s formative years, I have looked after Kenny like the Sheik looked after me. … I’ve always been the invisible hand in his life.

“Do you really think that I got back into this business five years ago to do a podcast? Did you people honestly think I came back out of a successful international business career to be the color commentator for New Japan Pro-Wrestling? No. It was all part of the plan for me to be next to Kenny when he won the IWGP Heavyweight title, all part of the plan for me to come to IMPACT Wrestling like I did. Al part of the plan when Tony Khan invited me to his house at Kenny’s request … and to call the world title match against Jon Moxley.”

Callis went on to say that he and Omega are family, which is rare in this industry. Callis also says he changed wrestling history by booking Omega against Chris Jericho. With Callis by his side, Omega will continue to make history. Omega already holds the main singles titles in both AAA and AEW, so why not add IMPACT as well.

“Who knows, but for now we’re about 24 hours away for a big announcement in Jacksonville,” Omega said. “And if you thought the Lex Express was riding in style, I got something even better planned for tomorrow. Something even cooler. Here’s a clue: Lex Luger.” (Credit to our very own Tyler Treese for the segment transcription)