NXT TakeOver

WWE NXT TakeOver WarGames Results (12/6/20)

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Timothy Thatcher 

Thatcher and Ciampa lock up. Ciampa takes down Thatcher with a side headlock. Thatcher counters with a hammerlock, Ciampa escapes. Thatcher and Ciampa trade submission attempts. Thatcher knees Ciampa in the gut. Thatcher almost locks in an armbar. Ciampa escapes. Thatcher and Ciampa trade more submission attempts. Thatcher eventually gets frustrated and spinal taps Ciampa. Ciampa fires up and attacks Thatcher’s knee. Ciampa slams Thatcher’s knee into the mat over and over again. Ciampa stomps on Thatcher’s Achilles. Thatcher lands an uppercut that crumples Ciampa. The referee checks on Ciampa. Thatcher attacks Ciampa, landing another nasty uppercut. Front face lock suplex by Thatcher. Thatcher is focusing assault on Ciampa’s throat.

Thatcher slams Ciampa’s throat into the side of the ring apron. Ciampa kicks out. Thatcher works over Ciampa. Ciampa tries to fight back but Thatcher cuts him off with a shot to the throat. Thacher tries a double under hook but Ciampa lands on top of Thatcher. Thatcher and Ciampa trade right and lefts. Ciampa fires up and lands multiple clotheslines. Ciampa crushes Thatcher in the corner. Ciampa takes Thacher off the top with a superplex. Thatcher kicks out. Ciampa sets up the Fairytale Ending but Thatcher counters with a double chop to the throat. Thatcher puts Ciampa in a guillotine. Ciampa starts to fade. Ciampa drives Thatcher out of the ring. Both men are almost counted out.

Thatcher tries to chop Ciampa in the throat but Ciampa avoids it and chops Thatcher in the throat. Running knee by Ciampa. Ciampa puts Thatcher in the Bulldog choke. Thatcher’s ear starts bleeding. Thatcher manages to get to the ropes. Thatcher German suplexes Ciampa twice. Ciampa rolls out to the apron. Thatcher tries to German suplex Ciampa on the apron. Ciampa hooks the ropes. Ciampa almost hits Willow’s Bell but Thatcher stuns Ciampa using the top rope. Thatcher lands a flurry of European uppercuts. Ciampa tries a backslide but Thatcher’s feet get caught in the ropes. Ciampa lands multiple chops followed by a guillotine choke. Ciampa hits a high angle version of Willow’s Bell for the win.

Winner- Tommaso Ciampa

After the match, Ciampa and Thatcher both roll out to the apron. Ciampa and Thatcher stare daggers at each other.


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