We get a sneak peek of Talk’n Shop Full Keg which includes a Rocky Romero appearance.
Kylie Rae thinks Deonna Purrazzo is just happy to portray a champion – Kylie wants to be a champion and be an influence on that little girl watching BFG. She admits her anger sometimes gets the best of her, and she apologizes for that. She’d never intentionally hurt somebody, but she doesn’t think Deonna made this just about the title anymore. Deonna made it personal when she broke Suzie’s arm. It’s not about revenge for Kylie. It may feel like it to Deonna when Kylie does take that belt, but it won’t be.
We cut to EC3’s thugs shoving Jimmy Jacobs into a warehouse where he’s sat on a chair and unmasked. EC3 sits beside him. He tells Jacobs there’s nowhere to go, but it’s just the two of them.
Back from break, EC3 wants him to ask him a question. He asks what is this? EC3 says he’s in his narrative. Jacobs asks what the EC3 narrative is now. It is what it always has been: control, freedom, purpose but it has changed just a bit because finally, the adversary he’s been waiting to fight has emerged. Jacobs notes EC3’s black eye. He says every part of him is wounded. He yells at Jacobs, saying he doesn’t know where he’s been. He says when he was standing on that bridge, he saw something he wanted. He saw Moose the way he should be. He could be something, someone trying to control his narrative, but the unfortunate thing is that he’s in the narrative controlled by EC3.
At BFG they fight inside the narrative Moose must learn who he has to become, but he also must learn by his hands. He fights for control, freedom, purpose, but mostly he fights for himself. He’s forgotten that. He’s let the past control him and part of that past is the TNA Title. Any victory he earns must be earned the right way. He must defeat Moose in the narrative. Jimmy asks what happens Saturday. EC3 notes that he could’ve destroyed the TNA belt, but he wants to earn it. He shoves Jimmy off-screen and tells Moose, that he’s becoming who he’s supposed to be, but he’ll control that narrative.
Sami Callihan vs. Eddie Edwards
Bell rings and the two quickly go at it real hard. Eddie hits a Manhattan drop but Callihan rakes the eyes. Eddie dives onto Callihan on the outside ramp. Eddie returns the eye rake to Sami. Eddie tries to vault himself on Sami back onto the outside but Sami moves. He gives Eddie an exploder suplex right on the entryway.
Sami soon rolls Edwards back in and boots him in the head. Callihan rakes the eyes once more before hitting a brainbuster. Two count. He chokes Eddie in the corner with his foot on the bottom rope. Snapmare followed by a sleeper on the mat.
Sami slaps Eddie before shoving him in the corner for a hard chop. Sami chokes Eddie in the adjacent corner, but it’s not long before a fired-up Eddie takes it to Sami. Eddie hits a beautiful top rope Frankensteiner. Blue Thunder Bomb and Eddie gets a near fall. Eddie is aiming for a Tiger Driver, but Sami sandbags him. He catches Eddie with a bicycle boot and soon hits a powerbomb for a near fall. The two trade headbutts before they slug it out. Both men are on their feet as they continue to trade shots. Callihan goes after the eyes yet again and Sami hits him with some boots. Eddie hits him hard and Edwards nails him with a Tiger Driver. Two count. Edwards looks for the Boston Knee Party and Sami grabs his phone. He shuts off the lights to the IMPACT Zone and there appears Shamrock. The distraction is good enough for the roll-up and the W.
WINNER: Sami Callihan
Post-match Eddie immediately goes after Sami. Eddie turns to go after Shamrock but gets a belly-to-belly followed by an ankle lock. Shamrock has snapped and Sami watches on with intent. He gives Eddie a “thumbs up, thumbs down” Coliseum style.
Willie Mack, Trey Miguel & TJP vs. Chris Bey, Jordynne Grace & Rohit Raju
Rohit and Willie begin the bout. Rohit eggs TJP on and the ref settles things down. MAck tags in TJP and they begin the chase. Rohit tags in Bey and he cuts TJP off at the pass. TJP hits a hurricanrana. Willie Mack gets back in and flip arm drags Bey before slamming him down. Leg drop and only gets a one count. Tag to TJP. Interference by Rohit allows Bey to hit a low blow. Tag to Jordynne who rocks TJP with a back clothesline. Grace corners TJP and tags in Bey. Bey sets up TJP and tags in Jordynne they reluctantly hold TJP and tag in Rohit. Rohit taunts and gets kicked by TJP. He takes everyone out. TJP tags in Trey and Trey is on fire. Some sweet flurry kicks to Rohit and Trey goes for a cover. Two count due to a break-up. TJP savate kicks Bey who fires back. Willie catches Bey with an uppercut. Grace catches Willie with a spine buster. Trey hits Grace with a neckbreaker. Rohit runs in with a flying knee, but Bey is the legal man. He covers and only gets a two. Bey connects with a cutter, but Rohit tags himself in. Bey can’t get the pinfall and the two begin arguing. Rohit punches Bey. He turns to look at Trey, and Bey hits him with a springboard cutter. Trey kicks Bey out of the way and covers Rohit for the win.
WINNERS: Trey Miguel, Willie Mack & TJP
Gina is with IMPACT World Champ Eric Young. She asks Eric what his plans are for BFG after his extreme line of violence week after week. Eric says he isn’t the problem. He set his plan in motion, but people have been breaking those boundaries. He’s taken control of his life, he’s taken control of his career. Rich Swann learned the hard way. Scott D’Amore learned the hard way. He doesn’t know what’s so hard to understand. Now he’s angry and now he has a purpose. He has a target. Rich Swann, from here on out, your actions are your responsibility. In comes Rich Swann and he brawls with EY before the camera outside cuts out.
The North vs. The Good Brothers
Karl Anderson and Ethan Page start the match. Collar elbow puts Anderson in the corner, but a kick in the gut and a shot allows Karl to toss Ethan to the outside. They clear the ring completely of Northerners before going to break.
Alexander is feeling some shots in the corner by The Big LG. Anderson tags in and some double kicks by The Brothers gets a two count. Anderson tags Gallows back in who drops a big elbow on Josh for a two count. Another tag to Anderson who stomps away at The North. Anderson wrenches the arm. Alexander forces him against the ropes allowing Page to get a shot in and turn the tide.
Tag to Page and The North have Karl cornered. Alexander taunts Gallows and Anderson fights back with some chops. Shoulder thrusts in the neutral corner by Josh. Half nelson grounds Karl. Anderson elbows himself free but gets a backbreaker for his troubles. Page gets tagged in and does the same thing for a two count.
Page grounds Karl with a sleeper. This goes on for quite a while before Anderson elbows free. A shot to the back downs him briefly, but he boots Alexander and gives him a spinebuster. Tags are exchanged and LG pinballs both of his adversaries. Anderson gets the tag and they go for the Magic Killer on Page. Alexander breaks it free and the teams brawl it out. The bell rings.
WINNER: No contest.
Post-match out comes Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. In comes MCMG and it’s bedlam, boys and girls. The Brothers and MCMG are left alone. Karl offers Shelley a handshake. Alex hesitates, but Anderson hits him with a cutter. They give Sabin a Magic Killer as The North stands on stage talking trash. Ace and Fulton watch on as the go-home show for Bound For Glory ends.