WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (10/19/20)

Backstage, Ali says his true power is creating chaos. No one knows how to create chaos as he can. All Ali needs is a cell phone or a laptop. Ali sat at home because WWE couldn’t figure out how to make money off of someone names Mustafa Ali. Ali admits to being the hacker over on SmackDown. Ali brought together other stars who were being ignored to form this group. Ali doesn’t care if it’s The Fiend or the Hurt Business, Ali will cleanse the WWE of its infection of corruption and greed.

Backstage, Titus O’Neil walks up to the Hurt Business and says he would be the perfect addition to the team. MVP says they need to think about it. After less than a second, MVP says they have come to a decision. MVP says they are in business. O’Neil gets excited. MVP clarifies, MVP didn’t mean O’Neil. The Hurt Business beats the crap out of O’Neil.

Miz and Morrison are in the ring waiting for Tucker. Tucker’s comes out and introduces his partner, El Gran Gordo (Otis in a Lucha mask). Miz tells Otis he is a joke. Miz says when people call Otis an underdog it’s code for they feel sorry for him. Miz says he has all the power here. Miz took Rose and Tucker from Otis. Miz is going to take the MITB briefcase, too. Miz says if you put a Lucha mask on a pig it’s still a pig. Gordo (lol) and Tucker attack Miz and Morrison.

Tucker and El Gran Gordo vs. Miz and Morrison

Tucker curses Morrison with a splash. Morrison responds with a standing moonsault. Miz and Morrison take turns working over Tucker. Tucker manages to tag in Gordo. Gordo clears the ring. Gordo takes Miz over with a flying arm drag (what). Gordo slams Miz. Morrison breaks up the pin. R-Truth is getting chased by Tozawa and others. Miz is distracted by Truth. Gordo hits the Caterpillar followed by a Vader Bomb for the win.

Winners- Tucker and El Gran Gordo




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