IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (10/13/20)

Doc Gallows (with Karl Anderson) vs. Madman Fulton (with Ace Austin)

The Good Brothers get on the mic beforehand. They told the world why they came to IMPACT. Besides the fact they got paid, they really like it here. They also realized they’re the best overall, but to really be the best, they gotta have the championships. Gallows says there’s a target on Motor City Machine Guns’ back. At BFG, they’re walking out IMPACT World Tag Team Champs.

Out comes Madman and Big LG hits a boot to Madman. He fires away at Fulton but Madman catches him with snake eyes. Fulton clotheslines LG over the top. Gallows pulls Fulton out and the fight takes place on the outside. Fulton hits him in the barricade and the two trade shots. Gallows goes for Madman’s eyes and the two brawl on the entryway. The two get counted out. They continue to brawl on the stage as IMPACT cuts to break.

Back from it, the brawl has now turned the fight between Gallows and Madman into a no DQ match. They’re fighting on the outside and there’s plenty of weapons strewn throughout the area. Fulton has a pipe, but Gallows hits him with a chair and then a Talk’N Shop beer. LG grabs the chair and gives Gallows a shot to the back. LG climbs the turnbuckle with a chair but Madman catches him with a boot to the face. Hard stomp by Madman keeps LG grounded.

Fulton chokes LG with a crutch. He makes LG eat the turnbuckle three times. Fulton wedges a chair in that corner and places LG’s head in front of it. He grabs a chair for a corner conchairto but LG boots the chair in Madman’s mush. Two chairs are seated in the middle of the ring and Doc chokeslams Fulton on top of them. Three count.

WINNER: Doc Gallows

Out comes Eric Young and he wants answers regarding Swann’s status after attacking him last week. He wants to hear someone tell him Rich Swann quit. He’s not leaving the ring until he does. EY paces and backstage is Scott D’Amore who gets a phone call. He talks to someone on the other line. Sounds like Swann’s doctor and D’Amore says it looks like he’s gotta go be somewhere (seems the ring). We go to break.

Back from it, EY is still pacing like a caged animal in the ring. Out comes D’Amore. Eric wants the good news from the boss man. He wants to hear Rich Swann is a crippled no-good quitter and he wants the night off at Bound For Glory.

D’Amore says EY must be really proud of himself. He spoke to Rich Swann’s orthopedic surgeon and D’Amore reveals that EY did additional and substantial damage to Swann’s knee. EY is amped about this news. He’s very confident that Swann isn’t fit to compete.

D’Amore doesn’t understand the psychotic change in Eric Young. He then tells EY that Swann is still ahead of schedule and at Bound For Glory, he’ll be defending that title against Rich. He hopes he knocks that smug look off his face. EY viciously attacks D’Amore. He’s got D’Amore in a rolling leg lock and out comes Swann to hit EY with a cutter. EY bails and it’s Swann standing tall as he holds the IMPACT World Title.

Moose ends up finding EC3 and the two exchange words. EC3 is standing with the belt as he insults Moose’s personality and credibility. EC3 lays the TNA Title on the bridge and he tells Moose to cross the line and fight him. Moose obliges and the two begin brawling on the bridge. They fight over the belt and it is EC3 who gets the upper hand. He says he wanted the fight of his life for this, but that’s what he got. EC3 says it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. He begins to walk off but Moose attacks him hard. He beats EC3 bloody, grabs the belt, and walks off as EC3 laughs to himself.

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