roh pure championship

ROH Wrestling Results (9/21/20): David Finlay Jr. vs. Rocky Romero

In a video package, Matt Sydal recaps his wrestling background and the various fighting skills he’s gained, including a dangerous arsenal of kicks. He looks back on how much he’s grown since he initially competed in Ring of Honor in 2004. He says he has a lot of history with Delirious; he’s the first person that pushed Sydal to go out of his comfort zone. He says he owes his career to Delirious. Sydal says Ring of Honor still has the best wrestling in the business and says he wants to live up to what the Pure Championship embodies.

In a video package, subtitles help the viewer understand what Delirious is saying; he’s competed against some of the best wrestlers in the world, and he has taken on aspects of numerous styles. He says this match with Sydal will be quite different from what fans are used to seeing from him. Delirious says he’s battled Sydal many times. He also says he owes his career to Sydal. Delirious says he’s in this tournament because he’s bored, plain and simple. He wants to beat everyone.

ROH Pure Title Tournament Round 1: Matt Sydal vs. Delirious

Delirious charges Sydal, but he avoids the takedown. They exchange technical holds. Delirious takes Sydal down and targets his legs. Sydal puts Delirious in a key hold, but he escapes. The rivals stare each other down. Delirious continues to target Sydal’s leg. The competitors exchange several counters. Sydal puts Delirious in a Hammer lock, but Delirious takes control and targets Sydal’s arm. Sydal briefly targets Delirious’ leg, but Delirious continues to ground the high-flying Sydal. Delirious blasts Sydal with some stiff chops, but he gives some of his own right back. Both men are down after they clothesline each other. Sydal nails Delirious with a nasty knee to the chin for a two count.

A standing Shooting Star Press, with Delirious’ knees folded underneath him, earns Sydal another two count. He kicks Delirious’ legs and rocks him with a kick to the head. Delirious rolls through and goes for a Cobra Clutch and turns it into a suplex-like throw. Delirious takes Sydal down with a Cobra Clutch, but Sydal turns it into a pin attempt for a two count. Sydal makes Delirious tap to the Cobra Clutch.

Winner: Matt Sydal

After the match, both men shake hands.

RELATED: A Return To Excellence: The History And Future Of The Ring Of Honor Pure Championship