WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (9/18/20)

AJ Styles vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn yells at the ring announce for not announcing him as the Intercontinental Champion. Styles attacks Zayn from behind. Ushigorshi by Styles. Zayn kicks out. Zayn responds with Kawada kicks followed by a stiff DDT. Styles kicks out. Styles dumps Zayn to the outside. Diving elbow strike by Styles. After the break, Styles escapes Zayn’s superplex attempt.

Zayn avoids Styles’ Phenomenal Forearm. Zayn drops Styles with a stun gun. Styles reverses Zayn’s suplex into a neck breaker. Zayn hits a blue thunder bomb. Styles kicks out. Styles walks right into the corner exploded. Zayn calls for the Helluva Kick. Styles avoids it but Zayn rolls him up with a handful of tights. The referee sees it and tells Zayn to let go. Styles rolls up Zayn with a hand full of tights but the referee doesn’t see it. The referee counts to three.

Winner- AJ Styles

After the match, Jeff Hardy runs down to the ring and attacks Styles and Zayn. Hardy pulls a ladder from under the ring. Hardy hits Styles and Zayn with it. Hardy starts to climb the ladder but Zayn rolls out of the ring. Hardy grabs a mic and challenges Styles and Zayn to a triple threat ladder match.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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