the rock simone johnson
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Simone Johnson Undergoing Third Knee Surgery, Top 10 RKO Reversals

Simone Johnson Undergoing Third Knee Surgery

Simone Johnson’s pro wrestling career did not get started the way she envisioned. It is being reported by Simone herself that she will be undergoing her third knee surgery tomorrow.

Johnson signed with WWE in February and recently said she also blew out her knee in July of 2019. This played a big role in her decision to sign with WWE instead of attending NYU.

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Top 10 WWE RKO Reversals

Randy Orton’s RKO can be deadly when he successfully connects with the move but there are occasions when his opponent counters the move.

WWE put out their newest ‘Top 10’ episode today which features the Top 10 times that the RKO has been countered. Check out the complete video below.

Jaw-dropping RKO counters: WWE Top 10, Sept. 13, 2020


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