WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (7/31/20)

King Corbin vs. Drew Gulak

Gulak takes control with some technical holds. Corbin tries to overpower him, but Gulak’s skills give him the upper hand. He targets Corbin’s arm and artist. Gylak drives Corbin into the corner and hits him with several strikes. Corbin drops Gulak with a stiff right hand. Corbin grounds Gulak, and then the king slams Gulak on his back. Corbin locks in a Boston Crab, but Gulak escapes and locks Corbin in a crossface. Corbin reaches the ropes. Gulak hits a few dropkicks and a diving clothesline. Corbin plants Gulak with a Deep Six. Matt Riddle walks to the stage and distracts Corbin. Gulak rolls him up for a two count. Corbin hits End of Days for the win.

Winner: King Corbin

Riddle attacks Corbin and rocks him with a knee to the face. Shorty G suplexes Riddle from behind. He looks at a smiling Corbin and gestures thatt he wants the money.

Big E vs. The Miz (with John Morrison)

The competiots lock up and feel each other out. Big E overpowers Miz and taunts him. Miz hits a few strikes but Big E spanks him while he’s in an abdominal stretch. Miz slaps Big E, and the disrespect angers Big E.

He sends Miz face-first into the ring-post. Morrison hits an athletic kick off the steps, and Miz hits a baseball slide dropkick. Miz takes control of the match and hits a diving double axe hammer. Big E rallies and hits a few clubbing blows. Miz dodges a splash and Big E crashes onto the apron.

Miz grounds Big E and drills him with a boot to the face. Big E rallies with three belly-to-belly suplexes. He hits a running splash. Miz counters the Big Ending, Big E reverses the Skull Crushing Finale, but Miz rakes him in the eyes and drops him with a DDT. Miz hits the “Yes” Kicks and dropkicks Big E’s knee. The A-Lister targets Big E’s leg, but Big E slams Miz for a two count. Miz nails Big E with a knee to the face. Morrison rocks Big E with a kick to the face, and Miz hits a Skull Crushing Finale, but Big E kicks out. Big E escapes the Figure-Four. The referee ejects Morrison from ringside. Big E rolls Miz up for a two count. Miz taps out to the Stretch Muffler.

Winner: Big E

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