WWE The Horror Show at Extreme Rules Results (7/19/20)

Tom Phillps announces that Apollo Crews was unable to get cleared to compete tonight so the United States Championship match will not take place tonight.

In-Ring Segment: MVP and Bobby Lashley

MVP says let that be a lesson to anyone who steps in the ring with Lashley. MVP says he has a bone to pick with Lashley., Lashley can’t be running around here hurting people with the Full Nelson and hindering MVP’s career. Lashley and MVP laugh. MVP announces himself that due to forfeit, he is the NEW United States Champion.

Eye For an Eye Match: Seth Rollins vs. Rey Mysterio

As Rollins enters the ring, he pulls a pair of pliers out of his jacket. As Rollins waits for Mysterio to come to the ring, Mysterio attacks Rollins from behind. Rollins runs away. Mysterio pulls a toolbox from under the ring. Mysterio has a piece of rebar. Rollins surprises Mysterio with a shot from a kendo stick he fount under the ring. Rollins tries to stab Mysterio in the eye with the kendo stick. Mysterio avoids it and sends Rollins into the ropes with a head-scissors. Rollins avoids the 619. Rollins counter’s Mysterio’s second head-scissors into a falcon arrow on the apron! Mysterio is hurt. Rollins goes after Mysterio’s left eye. Mysterio barely avoids aa shot to the head with the rebar.

Rollins tries to poke out Mysterio’s eye with the ringsteps (again). Mysterio fights him off. Rollins tries to drive the tip of the kendo stick into Mysterio’s eye. Mysterio manages to hold Rollins off. Rollins slides Mysterio under the bottom rope. Mysterio lands on a table hard. Rollins tries to poke out Mysterio’s eye with a chair. Mysterio moves. Rollins tries to stab Mysterio with a pen (lol). Mysterio dodges it again. Mysterio drop toe holds Rollins face-first into the point of the announce desk. The referee checks on Rollins. Mysterio tries to use one of the chair legs to get at Rollins’ eye. Rollins kicks Mysterio away. Rollins hits Mysterio with a chair. Rollins ties Mysterio’s arm to the bottom rope with a spare tag rope he found under the ring. Mysterio grabs Rollins by the head and with his legs and launches him into the ring post.


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