WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (7/10/20)

Backstage, AJ Styles says he has beaten everyone and no one deserves a shot at the IC title. Sarah tells Styles that he has to defend the title next week against Matt Riddle. Styles is incredulous. Styles retorts, “who has Riddle ever beaten?” Sarah replies that Riddle beat Styles, so him? Styles says it doesn’t matter. Riddle won’t win when he doesn’t have the entire SmackDown roster at his back.

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro

Kingston immediately tries the cave in but Nakamura avoids it. Nakamura drives Kingston into the corner. Cesaro tags in and lands aa few strikes. Cesaro drapes Kingston across the top rope. Nakamura tags back in and levels Kingston with a running knee. Cesaro is back in. Cesaro hits a gut wrench suplex. Kingston kicks out. Nakamura and Cesaro have already cut the ring in half, making quick tags while assaulting Kingston. Kingston tries to fire up but Nakamura cuts him off.

Kinston ducks a double big by Nakamura and Cesaro. Big E. back body drops Nakamura over the top rope. Kingston and Big E. unicorn stomp Cesaro. Big E. launches Kingston over the top rope but Ceasro surprises him with a European uppercut. After the break, Nakamura and Cesarro are taking turns working over Kingston. Kingston manages to tag in Big E. Big E. belly-to-belly suplexes Cesaro multiple times. Big E. misses a big splash. Cesaro floors Big E. with multiple European uppercuts. Ten punches in the corner by Cesaro.

Kingston tags himself in. Big E. holds Cesaro in the air while Kingston hits a top rope cave in. Nakamura breaks up the pin. Nakamura hits a reverse explorer on Kingston. Big E. breaks up the pin. Big E. is dumped to the outside. Kingston tries to fight off Cesaro and Nakamura. Big E. gets back in the ring. A brawl between all four men breaks out. The referee throws the match out.

No contest

Cesaro pulls a table from under the ring. Cesaro and Nakamura powerbomb Kingston off the top rope onto Big E., who is laying on the table.


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