WWE NXT The Great American Bash Results

WWE NXT The Great American Bash Night 2 Results (7/8/20)

Winner Take All: NXT Champion Adam Cole vs. North American Champion Keith Lee

Cole locks in a side headlock. Lee tries to power out of it but Cole will not let go. Lee breaks Cole’s grip. Lee traps Cole in a test of strength that Cole has no chance of winning. Cole gets to the ropes. Lee has Cole’s hand in a vice grip. Lee pulls Cole back into the ring. Leee lifts Cole up in a Greco-Roman knuckle lock. Cole kicks his way out of it. Lee catches Cole’s kick. Lee flattens Cole with a shoulder block. Cole rolls out of the ring. Lee asks the camera if we remember what he did to Gargano. Leee tries to pounce Cole through the Plexiglass but Cole moves out of the way. Pump kick by Cole. Lee climbs back into the ring. Neckbreaker by Cole. Cole lands a few strikes. Another pump kick by Cole sends Lee into the ropes. Cole hits another neck breaker. Lee kicks out.  Cole locks his legs around Lee’s neck in a figure-four.

Cole is focusing his assault on Lee’s neck. Cole hits another neck breaker. Lee kicks out again. Cole berates Lee he struggles to get back to a verticle base. Cole tries to pull down his knee pad for the Last Shot. Lee stops him. Lee hits the Tour of the Islands style powerslam. Cole kicks out. Grizzly magnum by Lee. Cole crumples to the mat. Lee says “I must break him” Lee sets up a moonsault. Cole kicks Lee in the leg. Backstabber by Cole. Lee kicks out and in the process tosses Cole to the otherwise of the ring. Cole goes up top. Lee cuts Cole off and brings him back into the ring with a deadlift suplex. Cole tries the Last Shot but Lee counters it with a Spirit Bomb. Cole somehow manages to get one of his fingers on the bottom rope. Cole rolls out of the ring before Lee can get his hands on him. Lee sticks his head through the ropes to see where Cole landed. Cole kicks Lee in the head. Cole gets in the ring and gets pounced into next week. Spinebuster by Lee. Cole kicks out. Lee pulverizes Cole with a moonsault off the second rope. Cole kicks out!

Lee sets Cole up for the Big Bang Catastrophe. Cole escapes and superkicks Lee. Lee doesn’t go down. Lee starts to fire up. Cole hits a series of kick, followed by the Last Shot. Cole struggles to turn Lee over. Once Cole gets Lee on his back, Lee easily kicks out. Cole calls for another Last Shot. Lee destroys Cole with a lariat that turns Cole inside out. Cole lands right on his head. Cole kicks Lee in the gut and scores the Panama Sunrise! Lee kicks out! Cole is flabbergasted. Cole curses Lee for not staying down. Cole beckons for Lee to get up. Cole hits three superkicks. Lee goes down. Lee still kicks out. Lee is clutching at his face. Cole has no idea what to do now. Cole lands another Last Shot. Cole doesn’t try a pin. Cole sets up another Panama Sunrise. Cole yells for Lee to get up. Cole dives off the top but Lee catches him and hits another Spirit Bomb. Lee doesn’t let go. Lee lifts Cole up and hits the Big Bang Catastrophe for the win!

Winner and NEW NXT Champion, North American Champion Keith Lee!

Karrion Kross and Scarlett are shown watching the match from the production booth. Kross laughs as Lee celebrates.






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