Credit: WrestleCade

WrestleCade Weekend 2020 Canceled, Hopes To Return In 2021

WrestleCade announced on Tuesday that the WrestleCade Weekend 2020 has officially been canceled.

According to the company, the concern over potential health issues still existing in November – when the event was scheduled – is what led to the cancellation. In a statement made on Twitter, WrestleCade Entertainment announced that health officials don’t seem to know what the situation will be like, and that they’d rather be part of the solution than part of the problem.

The company also announced that they are hopeful to return in 2021, and that all refunds have already been processed for any guests who may have made their plans already. You can check out the full statement below.

You can check out the full statement below:

Due to contributing health and safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult decision to cancel WrestleCade Weekend 2020.

We have been hopeful that the situation would improve so that our event could continue as planned. However, health officials have made it clear that they have no idea what the situation will be in November. In addition, Governor Roy Cooper has not given us any insight on what a mass gathering for 7k+ people traveling into Winston-Salem, North Carolina from around the world would look like in November. To be fair, he doesn’t know but the risks currently seem greater than the rewards.

For the past 8 years, we have worked tirelessly to bring you 3 days of wrestling memories. We’ll miss spending time with you and we’ll miss seeing those big smiles on your faces but we want to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.

As an important side note worth mentioning right now is the approximately $30k/year that we raise for charity with this event which obviously won’t happen now. Knowing that there are children and families that won’t be able to celebrate Christmas together because of this cancellation guts us more than anything. Please pray for these families.

We hope to return next year for WrestleCade Weekend 2021 and we hope to see all of you there.

Tracy Myers & Brian Hawks

Owners/WrestleCade Entertainment

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