WrestlePro Alaska
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Orange Rejects The Kool-Aid On Being The Elite

This week’s Being The Elite highlights all revolve around Alex Reynolds and John Silver attempting to recruit new members to The Dark Order. The interrupt Santana and Ortiz in their “Spanglish segment and even try to bring on the host. In addition, they talk to Orange Cassidy regarding possibly joining, offering to act as his wingman at a nightclub and weekly viewings of the Fast and Furious franchise. Orange only seemed interested in the latter, but he ended up tipping over the Kool-Aid and rejecting their offer.

"Baby Back Ribs" - Being The Elite Ep. 210

Hangman also had a Dark Order interaction, talking to Mr. Brodie Lee about the tease that he was ready to join the Dark Order. In a clever bit of storytelling, his Internet application got “lost in the mail”, and Hangman’s feeling good enough about himself that he’s no longer interested. Needless to say, Mr. Brodie was not thrilled that he could have had a tag team champion on his side.

Other segments include Matt Hardy tying the Merch Freak character into the Broken Universe, a first-person view from last week’s Lumberjack match, and the Elite posing for an action figure commercial. You can check out the full episode in the video embedded above.

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