nxt great american bash
Image Credit: WWE

Dusty Rhodes’ Daughter Teil Tells WWE To ‘Cut My Mom A Check’ For Great American Bash Name

NXT will bring back the Great American Bash theme as part of a live television broadcast next week, and the event creator’s daughter had some thoughts on the matter.

Last night’s episode of NXT saw the announcement that the Great American Bash will return, with several matches being confirmed after the show. WWE still owns the trademark for the Bash name, an event Dusty Rhodes created back in 1985.

Dusty’s daughter, Teil, commented on social media about the Bash coming back, telling WWE they should cut her mom a check:

On a humorous note, one fan responded to her remark and said AEW should pay WWE for using “Bash At The Beach” earlier this year, not realizing Cody owns that trademark (and many others.)

Related: The Great American Bash Returning As Two-Week NXT Event, Updated Match Card

Cody owns a number of trademarks for JCP and WCW events that his father had a hand in creating, and has said he would love to get the rights back for GAB and Starrcade, among others. On a March episode of AEW Unrestricted, Cody said he originally planned to get a bunch of trademarks just to keep them in the family but noted he’d give them all up if he could get those two properties back.

“Anything that was connected to my dad, I wanted to pick up. I don’t know what my grand play is here, I just wanted to pick it up to have for my family. I’m not making any money off it. I think my grand scheme was, I was going to get as many things to irritate them as possible so they were just like, ‘You can have Starrcade.’ Great American Bash and Starrcade are 100% Dusty’s. I would rather have those than 100 Slamborees.”

Despite all of the excitement over trademarks, Cody said all of the names he acquires aren’t specifically for AEW use, noting that he was “just trying to get some of Dad’s cattle back.”


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