Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (5/29/20)

In a video message, The Forgotten Sons discuss their history. Wesley Blake says “Our blood is on your hands, so now your blood will be on ours.”

A Moment of Bliss

Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross kick off the latest edition of A Moment of Bliss. Bliss welcomes their guests, the SmackDown Tag Team Champions, The New Day. Cross gives the champions a present: Scottish pancakes that she made with her grandmother’s recipe. Kofi Kingston and Big E give her some coffee beans and add some water to it. Bliss takes the mug and reluctantly thanks them for it. Bliss asks Kingston and Big E about stand-out tag teams. Kingston names The Forgotten Sons. Bayley and Sasha Banks walk to the ring. Bayley says the best tag team on SmackDown was not invited to A Moment of Bliss. Banks tosses her jacket at Bliss. Cross congratulates Bayley on her victory over Charlotte Flair. Bayley calls herself the most dominant Women’s Champion in SmackDown’s history. Bliss points out that Banks doesn’t have a championship.

Banks says she and Bayley put the Women’s Tag Teams on the title; they’re the reason they exist. Bliss tells them to name a time and a place for the match. Bayley speaks for Banks and challenges Bliss to a match on her behalf. Banks is clearly upset with Bayley because she isn’t dressed for competition. Bliss drops Banks with a dropkick.

Alexa Bliss vs. Sasha Banks

Bayley and Cross join Michael Cole and Corey Graves at the broadcast table. Bliss nearly steals the win with some pin attempts right away. Bliss slaps Banks and flips her. Banks blocks another slap and hits double knees in the corner for a two count. Banks stomps Bliss in the corner and takes control of the match. A Meteora earns Banks a two count. Bliss rallies, but Banks drops her with a backbreaker. Banks talks some trash, but Bliss rallies again with a facebuster. Bliss hits a clothesline and slaps Banks again. Banks sends Bliss face-first into the turnbuckle. Banks hits double knees for a near fall.

Bliss hits a hurricanrana and drops Banks with a right hand. Bliss climbs  to the top rope. Cross and Bayley battle on the apron, and Cross accidentally crashes into Bliss. Banks capitalizes and pins Bliss for the win.

Winner: Sasha Banks

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