WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (5/20/20)

Interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match: El Hijo del Fantasma vs. Akira Tozawa

Fantasma and Tozawa trade pin attempts. Neither man can get the advantage early. Tozawa and Fantasma trade chops. Tozawa hits his patented surprise right hand. Fantasma falls to the outside. Tozawa hits a ranna off the apron. Fantasma stumbles over to the barricade. Tozawa dives off the apron and hits a senton. After the break, Fantasma lands a splash on the apron. Fantasma sends Tozawa back in the ring. Fantasma sentons his way back into the ring. Tozawa kicks out.

Tozawa misses a head kick but slides through Fantasma’s legs. Tozawa crushes Fantasma with a snap German suplex. Tozawa goes up top. Fantasma cuts him off. Fantasma drops Tozawa on the top turnbuckle chest first. Tozawa kicks out. Tozawa surprises Fantasma with a wheelbarrow bulldog. Tozawa lands his finishing Senton off the top. Fantasma rolls out of the ring. Fantasma manages to kick out. Fantasma sends Tozawa out of the ring. Suicide dive by Fantasma. Fantasma sends Tozawa back into the ring. Tozawa locks Fantasma in the octopus. Fantasma reverses it into a modified Michinoku Driver for the win.

Winner- El Hijo del Fantasma

Backstage, Timothy Thatcher challenges Matt Riddle to a match where pinfalls don’t count. Knockout or submission only.


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