Adam Cole
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Adam Cole Retains NXT Title Against Velveteen Dream

After weeks of waiting to get his opportunity to compete for the NXT Championship, Velveteen Dream finally got his shot tonight against Adam Cole. While he was more than ready, circumstances out of his control prevented him from winning, as Adam Cole retained his title.

During the match, Dream looked ready to finally take down Cole and claim the championship. Late in the match, however, chaos ensued as Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong came running down to the ring in an attempt to interfere. Luckily for Dream, however, Dexter Lumus appeared from under the ring, taking down both Strong and Fish, but inadvertently knocking out the referee in the process. After that, Dream hit Cole with the Purple Rainmaker, which would have won him the match had the referee been around to count. Unfortunately, the referee didn’t come to until later, and Cole was able to superkick Dream in the confusion for the win.

For a brief recap of the match, check out below:

Dream sets up the Dream Valley Driver. Cole escapes. Dream hits a superkick for a near fall. Dream goes up top. Cole moves out of the way. Big boot by Cole. Cole blasts Dream with a backstabber. Dream kicks out. Cole manages to hit the Ushigorshi. Dream kicks out again. Dream and Cole trade punches. Cole knocks Dream out of the ring. Dream walks into a superkick. Cole falls to the mat and Dream falls on top of him. Cole kicks out. Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish run down to the ring. Dexter Lumus crawls from under the ring. Lumus fights off Strong and Fish. Lumus accidentally tosses Strong into the referee. Dream hits the Purple Rainmaker. There is no referee to make the count. In the confusion, Cole superkicks Dream. Cole lands the Last Shot for the win.

RELATED: WWE NXT Results (5/6/20)


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