velveteen dream
Photo Credit: WWE

Dexter Lumis Helps Velveteen Dream Take Down Undisputed Era

Tonight’s episode of NXT was supposed to close with a tag team match featuring Velveteen Dream & Keith Lee taking on Adam Cole and Roderick Strong of The Undisputed Era. However, just as the match began, Damian Priest snuck to the ring, and delivered a vicious assault to Lee that forced him to leave.

Just as it looked as if Dream would have to take on Cole and Strong alone, he got help from a surprising figure. Dexter Lumis – the mysterious superstar who recently began appearing on NXT – popped up at ringside, seemingly out of nowhere. After offering his hand to Dream, he was tagged in, and proceeded to help take down Undisputed Era. With some new momentum, Dream eventually tagged back in, and was able to land a Purple Rainmaker on Cole for the win.

For a brief recap of the final match, check out below:

As soon as the bell rings the UE attacks. Dream drives Cole into the corner. Dream lands a few rights and lefts. Lee launches Strong across the ring. Fish grabs Dream’s leg. The referee ejects Fish from the arena. In the confusion, Damian Priest hops the barricade and hits Lee in. the throat with a nightstick. Lee is down and the medical staff and officials run down to the ring to check on him.

After the break, Strong and Cole are working over Dream. Dexter Lumis appears out of nowhere and hops up on the apron. Dream manages to it the Dream Valley Driver on Strong. Dream turns around and sees Lumis. Lumis reached out for a tag. Dream leaps and tags in Lumis. Lumis clears the ring. Lumis destroys Cole with the side effect. Dream tags himself in. Lumis dives over the top, taking out Strong and thee recently returned Fish. Dream drops the Purple Rainmaker on Cole for the win!

RELATED: WWE NXT Results (4/22/20)


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