WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/11/20)

WWE NXT Results
March 11, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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North American Championship Match: Keith Lee (c) vs. Cameron Grimes

Grimes tries to kick Lee in the gut. Lee catches Lee’s foot. Lee tries to toss Grimes but Grimes does aa backflip and lands on his feet. Lee almost hits a powerbomb but Grimes escapes the hold. Grimes walks right into grizzly magnum. Grimes lands a forearm but Lee shrugs it off and tosses Grimes out of the ring. Grimes lands a PK. Grimes tries a senton off the apron but Lee catches Grimes in midair. Grimes grabs the ropes to escape. Grimes stomps on Lee’s face. Grimes tries another dive and gets caught again. Lee tries another powerbomb but Grimes once again escapes. Lee sweeps Grimes’s legs. Lee tries a superplex. Grimes pushes Lee off the top and hits a crossbody for a near fall.

During the break, Grimes worked over Lee. Lee surprises Grimes with a crossbody. Grimes superkicks Lee. Grimes German suplexes Lee for a near fall. Grimes DDTs Lee. Lee kicks out. Grimes calls for his finish. Lee almost counters with the Spirit Bomb. Grimes avoids it. Lee destroys Grimes with the pounce. Lee hits the Big Bang Catastrophe for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Keith Lee!

After the match, Damian Priest attacks Lee with a nightstick. Dijakovic makes the save. Lee is out cold. Dijakovic picks up the title. Lee gets up and drops Dijakovic with the Spirit Bomb. Lee thinks it was Dijakovic who attacked him.


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