WWE Worlds Collide Results

WWE Worlds Collide Results (1/25/20)

#DIY vs. Moustache Mountain

Gargano and Bate trade submission holds and arm drags. Gargano tries a ranna but Bate lands on his feet. Bate avoids Gargano’s roll through kick. Bate catches Gargano’s foot. Bate lets Gargano’s foot down gently. Gargano and Bate shake hands. Ciampa and Seven tag in. Ciampa and Seven have a pose off. Ciampa floors Seven with a shoulder block. Seven almost lands his patented DDT. Bate tags in and Ciampa makes fun of his height. Ciampa initiates a test of strength. Bate monkey flips Ciampa. Both men are down. As the referee starts to count Bate and Ciampa both head bridge off the mat to break the count. Bate goes for bop but Ciampa blast him with a strike. Ciampa lands a high knee. Gargano superkicks Seven off the apron. Ciampa launches Bate over the announce table. Gargano grabs Seven and launches him over the other announce table. Ciampa and Gargano sit on the apron and pat each other on the back. Ciampa and Gargano take turns beating down Bate. Bate manages to tag in Seven. Seven hits a nasty DDT on Gargano. Cartwheel into a lariat by Seven. Ciampa knees Seven in the face. It looks like Seven lost a tooth on that exchange. Ciampa tags in Gargano, who clears the ring. Slingshot spear by Gargano for a near fall.

Gargano suicide dives into Bate. Gargano hits his slingshot DDT for a near fall. Bate tries a diving back elbow off the top but Ciampa counters with a flying knee to the back of Bate’s head. Ciampa tries Project Ciampa but Bate escapes and hits the Tyler Driver ’97 for a near fall. Gargano runs into a suplex by Bate. Bate tries a standing shooting star but Gargano gets his knees up. Gargano hits the ropes and ends up getting airplane spun by Bate. Gargano reverses the spin into the Gargano Escape. Ciampa puts Seven in his modified Rings of Saturn. Bate and Seven both counter into airplane spins. Bate tries a rebound lariat and accidentally hits Seven. #DIY tries to Meet in the Middle but Seven and Bate counter with duel bop and bangs. Seven and Bate destroy Ciampa with a Burning Hammer/flying knee combo. Ciampa kicks out. Double Burning Hammer by Seven and Bate. Seven holds Ciampa in place as Bate tries the spiral tap. Ciampa pulls Seven on top of him to take the brunt of Bate’s flying assault. Ciampa pins Seven but Bate breaks it up. Everyone trades strikes. Bate tries a springboard but is met with a superkick by Gargano and a flying knee by Ciampa. #DIY Meet in the Middle on Seven for the win.

Winners- #DIY

Dakota Kai is shown in the crowd. Tegan Nox attacks her from behind. Nox and Kai are separated by security.


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