ROH Wrestling Results (12/23/19): Best of 2019

The show shifts to clips of Maria Manic’s debut, when she targeted the Allure. Then, it shows clips of Matt Taven’s triumph at G1 Supercard.

Riccaboni discusses the Briscoes’ feud with the Guerrillas of Destiny.

The Briscoes vs. RUSH & Dragon Lee (replayed from the 7/27 episode of ROH Wrestling)

The four men begin brawling right away as RUSH punched Jay. RUSH and Jay exchange forearms and Dragon Lee takes Jay down with a dropkick. The Briscoes catch a diving Lee and suplex him on the floor. The Briscoes gang up on Lee and isolate him on their side of the ring. Jay and Mark dominate the match until Lee takes them down with a clothesline and a slingshot kick. RUSH tags in and kicks Mark in the face. Lee and RUSH sent the Briscoes into the barricade.

RUSH and Lee gang up on Jay. Mark, who’s been busted open, runs in and RUSH kicks him in the face. Lee and RUSH strike simultaneous poses in the ring. Mark powerbombs RUSH for a near fall. Jay gives Mark a chair and he uses it to dive onto Jay, Lee and RUSH outside the ring. Both teams exchange strikes and RUSH takes Mark down with a hurricanrana. RUSH nails Jay with a snap German suplex. RUSH hits Jay with a superkick. Lee sends Mark flying with a hurricanrana to the outside. RUSH pins Jay with the Bull’s Horns.

Winners: Dragon Lee & RUSH

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RELATED: RUSH vs. PCO Rematch Set For ROH Event Next Month


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