Killian Dain vs. Damian Priest
Dain attacks Priest as soon as the bell rings. Dain tosses Priest out of the ring. Priest tries a suplex but he can’t lift Dain off the mat. Priest is still favoring his previously injured ribs. Dain elbows Priest in the ribs. Dain puts Priest in a bearhug. Dain drapes Priest on the middle rope. Dain hits the ropes and lays a stiff boot into Priest’s taped ribs. Dain baseball slides Priest off the apron. Dain rips the protective tape off of Priest’s ribs. Senton by Dain. Priest fires up and lands a series of strikes culminating in an ax bomber.
Priest tries to suplex Dain again. Priest lets out a primal scream and finally gets Dain off the mat for a massive suplex. Dain tries to leave the arena. Priest catches Dain with a springboard topé. Dain lands an awkward powerbomb. Dain splashes Priest in the corner. Dain picks up Priest in the electric chair. Priest turns it into a victory roll but Dain’s shoulders aren’t on the mat. Dain sentons Priest again. Dain goes up top for the Vader Bomb. Priest gets his knees up before Dain can flatten him. Priest hits the Reckoning for the win!
Winner- Damian Priest
GET ON HIS LEVEL. #WWENXT @ArcherOfInfamy @KillianDain
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) December 19, 2019