IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (12/10/19)

Backstage, Michael Elgin says he has beaten Eddie Edwards and Brian Cage. IMPACT managment is trying to keep Elgin away from the championship.

Raj Singh w/ Rohit Raju and Gamma Singh vs. Fallah Bahh

Bahh wins after the Bonzai drop.

Winner- Fallah Bahh

After the match, The Desi Hit Squad beat down Bahh. TJP hits the ring and makes the save.

Joey Ryan is summoned to Wrestler’s Court. Tommy Dreamer is the judge. Ryan is the defendant. Johnny Swinger is the plaintiff. Ryan is accused of “exposing the business”. Ryan gives an impassioned plea, but Dreamer finds him guilty.

Number One Contender’s Match: The Rascalz vs. Reno Scum vs. oVe vs. Rich Swann and Willie Mack

Jake Crist hits a diving DDT out on the floor. Mack takes everyone out with a sky twister press tot he outside. Mack is clutching at his knee. The referee calls for help from the back. Mack can’t stand. Mack can’t continue. After the break, Swann continues the match by himself. Swann lands a double handspring cutter on Reno Scum. oVe lands a spike tombstone on Swann.

Wentz breaks up the pin. Dez and Wentz clear the ring. Luster German suplexes Dave. Thornstowe double stomps Dave in the nuts. Luster puts Dave in the tree of woe. Luster lawn darts Swann into Dave. Dez and Wentz hit their finish on Luster. Jake breaks up the pin. oVe set up a doomsday cutter. Swann counters into a victory roll for the win.

Winners- Rich Swann and Willie Mack

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