AEW World Championship Match: Chris Jericho (c) w/Jake Hager vs. Cody w/MJF (Judges: Dean Malenko, Arn Anderson, and Keiji Mutoh)
Jericho runs over Cody with a shoulder tackle. Cody responds with the Dustin Rising uppercut. Jericho retreats to the outside. Jericho gets in Malenko’s face. Jericho and Cody trade submission attempts. Cody sends Jericho to the outside. Tope by Cody. Cody sends Jericho back into the ring. Cody lands a missile dropkick off the top. Cody manages to get a two count. Cody is focusing all his attention on Jericho’s right arm. Cody clotheslines Jericho over the top onto the ramp. Cody launches himself over the top rope but Jericho moves out of the way. Cody lands facefirst on the ramp. Cody’s head is gushing blood. The doctor checks on Cody. Cody rolls back into the ring. Hager slides a chair into the ring. Jericho sits in the chair and waits for Cody
. Jericho kicks Cody in the face. Jericho focuses his assault on the gnarly looking gash on Cody’s forehead. Cody tries to fire up but Jericho hits him with the kitchen sink. Cody tries a moonsault. Jericho moves out of the way. Jericho locks Cody in the abdominal stretch. Cody surprises Jericho with the diamond cutter. Cody fires up. Cody lands a flurry of strikes. A disaster kick sends Jericho careening to the outside. Jericho kicks Cody in the ribs. Jericho drives Cody’s back into the ring post. Jericho gets in Cody’s mom’s face. Cody’s mom slaps Jericho. Cody spears Jericho. Cody’s mom pops Jericho in the head again. Cody hugs his mother. Cody Alabama slams Jericho. Cody puts Jericho in the figure-four. Jericho and Cody get tied up in the ropes. Hager punches Cody in the head.
Cody victory rolls Jericho. Jericho kicks out but launches Cody into another clubbing blow by Hager. The referee ejects Hager from ringside. Hager attacks MJF outside the ring. Jericho hits Cody in the head with the title belt. Cody kicks out. Jericho calls for the Judas Effect. Cody counters into Crossroads. Jericho kicks out. Cody hits the Bionic Elbow. Jericho kicks out. Cody tries the disaster kick but Jericho catches Cody with a mid-air Codebreaker! Cody kicks out! Jericho whips Cody with his weight lifters belt. Jericho goes up top. Cody cuts Jericho off. Cody tries a top rope ranna but Jericho turns it into the Walls of Jericho. Cody gets to the ropes. Jericho gets in the referee’s face. Jericho pushes the referee. Referee Aubrey pushes Jericho. Cody small packages Jericho. Jericho kicks out. Jericho puts Cody in the Liontamer. Jericho stomps on Cody’s head. Jericho sits on Cody’s head. Cody isn’t moving. MJF throws in the towel.
Winner and STILL AEW Champion, Chris Jericho!
After the match, MJF kicks Cody in the nuts. MJF laughs and walks away.
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 10, 2019