Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard vs. Joey Janela
Janela takes Spears over with a ranna. Janela dives off the apron but Spears catches him in midair. Spears crushes Janela with a powerslam. Spears suplexes Janela on the apron. Spears ties Janela’s hair in the tag rope. Spears rains down rights and lefts. Janela yanks his hair free, losing some in the process. Janela tries a missile dropkick. Spears moves out of the way. Spears puts Janela in the scorpion deathlock. Janela gets to the ropes. Janela hits a seton off the top to the outside. Janela goes up top again. Spear cuts Janela off and hits a suplex. Spears backbreakers Janela on the top turnbuckle. Blanchard distracts the referee as Spears removes the turnbuckle pad. As the referee tries to put the pad back on, Spear and Blanchard destroy Janela with a spike piledriver outside the ring! Spears lands the C4 for the win.
Winner- Shawn Spears
AEW Tag Team Championship Match: SCU (c) vs. The Lucha Bros. vs. Private Party (Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy)
Quen and Kazarian start the match. Kazarian and Quen trade pin attempts. Fenix tags himself in. Fenix kicks Kazarian in the head. A brawl between all six men breaks out. The Lucha Bros basement superkick both members of Private Party. Penta and Fenix double team Kazarian. Fenix dropkicks Quen off of Penta’s shoulders. Penta press slams Kassidy then launches him into a superkick by Fenix. Fenix victory rolls Penta into a senton in the corner. Kazarian sends Kassidy out to the ramp. Quen surprises Penta with a dropkick. Quen tags in Sky. Sky double stomps Fenix.
Sky hits a slingshot cutter on into a dragon sleeper. Penta breaks it up with a superkick. Quen flops over the top to take everyone out. Sky sets up a dive but Fenix walks the ropes and obliterates Sky with a running knee. Kassidy hits a corkscrew splash. Fenix bounces off the ropes 57 times before hitting a sky twister press. Slingshot DDT by SCU to Fenix. Penta breaks up the pin again. Private Party double teams Kazarian. Quen hits his patented shooting star press. Kazarian kicks out. Private Party set up Gin and Juice. Kazarian hooks the ropes to avoid the top rope ranna. SCU hit their finish on Kassidy for the win.
Winners and STILL AEW Tag Team Champions, SCU!
After the match, The Lucha Bros attack SCU from behind. The Lights go out and another Pentgon Jr. is in the ring with Pentagon Jr. The fake Penta takes out Fenix and the real Penta. Fake Penta takes off his mask to reveal that he is actually Christopher Daniels.
Fallen Angel Returns @facdaniels #AEWFullGear
— Dave LaGreca (@davidlagreca1) November 10, 2019