WWE Crown Jewel Results (10/31/19)

Backstage, R-Truth runs into the Singh Brothers. He bums into the door and Samir Singh pins R-Truth to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles(c) (with the OC) vs. Humberto Carrillo 

Styles takes the fight to Carrillo but the challenger sends him to the outside. The Phenomenal One hits a neckbreaker and grounds Carrillo.

Styles hits a backbreaker and reverses a springboard maneuver by Carrillo. They trade strikes and Carrillo takes Styles down. A moonsault gets the challenger a two count. A crossbody gets Carrillo another near fall. Carrillo hits a stiff kick and Styles gives him one right back. A pump kick rocks Styles and Carrillo hits a dropkick and a dive to the outside. Carrillo counters a Styles Clash off the second rope. A series of strikes and a clothesline gets Styles a two count. Carrillo counters the Styles Clash again but he tweaks his knee. Styles locks in the Calf Crusher  but Carrillo reaches the ropes. Styles dodges a moonsault and hits the Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

Winner and still WWE United States Champion: AJ Styles

Backstage, Hulk Hogan tells “Beautiful Byron” that Ric Flair’s not going to beat him tonight. Hogan says his team has been doing sprints in the sand and he makes them drink glasses of sand. He says Hulkamania will run wild tonight.

Natalya vs. Lacey Evans

Natalya and Evans lock up and exchange technical holds. They shake hands and continue to trade counters. Evans goes sprawling outside the ring but she hits a slingshot dropkick. Evans trips Natalya and hits a slingshot elbow drop. The Sassy Southern Belle grounds Natalya but Natalya dropkicks her in the face. A roll-up gets Evans a two count. Evans hits a moonsault for a near fall. Natalya hits a clothesline and locks in the Sharpshooter and makes Evans tap out.

Winner: Natalya

After the match, Natalya and Evans raise each other’s hands.

Team Flair (Bobby Lashley, Shinsuke Nakamura, Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton) (with Ric Flair) vs. Team Hogan (Rusev, Ricochet, Shorty G, Ali and Roman Reigns)

Shorty G and Nakamura start things off. Shorty G takes him down and suplexes him. Nakamura his Gable with a kick. Corbin tags in and Ali does, too, before dropkicking him. Rusev and Lashley tag in but Lashley quickly tags out to McIntyre. They trade strikes and Rusev hits a spin kick. Corbin sends Ali crashing off the top and into the barricade. Lashley slams Ali and dominates him. Nakamura rocks Ali with a kick and a sliding suplex. McIntyre tosses Ali but Ali plants him with a DDT. Ricochet tags in and hits McIntyre with a hurricanrana. A springboard moonsault gets Ricochet a two count.

Orton tags in and stomps Ricochet several times. Lashley suplexes Ricochet and Corbin grounds him. Flair struts at ringside. Team Flair continues to dominate Ricochet. Ricochet hits Lashley and Orton with kicks to the head. He finally tags Reigns and the Big Dog clears house.

He dishes out strikes, clotheslines, and a Drive-by to Orton and Lashley. Reigns hits Hogan’s clothesline and big boot on Corbin. Reigns reverses an RKO and hits a Superman Punch for a near fall. The match breaks down into chaos; finishers abound. McIntyre nails Ricochet with a Claymore Kick. Rusev finally gets his hands on Lashley; they trade strikes.

Reigns dives onto everyone outside the ring. Orton hits Reigns with an RKO for a near fall. Orton attempts a punt kick on Reigns but Shorty G stops him. Ricochet and Ali team up to take down Orton and both men dive out of the ring. Reigns spears Orton to win the match.

Winners: Team Hogan

WWE Crown Jewel Results continue on the next page.