WWE Crown Jewel Results (10/31/19)

In an interview backstage, Rey Mysterio says Brock Lesnar still needs to survive him. He says Lesnar will pay for what he’s done.

Cesaro vs. Mansoor

Cesaro slaps away Mansoor’s attempted handshake. They exchange technical holds and reversals. Mansoor hits a standing moonsault and a dropkick. Cesaro counters a dive to the outside with an uppercut. The Swiss Superman tosses Mansoor into the barricade. A diving axe-handle gets Cesaro a two count. Cesaro sends Mansoor tumbling off the second rope and to the mat. Mansoor briefly locks in a sleeper but Cesaro slams him. Mansoor hits a dropkick in mind-air. Some chops rock Cesaro and a hurricanrana takes him down. Mansoor hits a dive to the outside. A crossbody gets Mansoor a near fall and a tornado plants Cesaro again. Cesaro rolls up Mansoor for a two count. Mansoor hits a slingshot neckbreaker.

Cesaro hits a gutwrench suplex for a two count. Mansoor counters the Neutralizer and kicks out of a mid-air uppercut. A superkick drops Cesaro. Mansoor counters a gutwrench suplex into a powerbomb. Mansoor hits a moonsault for the win.

Winner: Mansoor

In an interview, Mansoor says this is the most important match and victory of his life. He says anything is possible and he can’t wait for what we do next.

Backstage, WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins says his rivalry with Bray Wyatt ends tonight and the Fiend has brought out the worst of him. Rollins says that he didn’t pick this fight and that, though Wyatt started it, he’s going to end it and burn it down.

Braun Strowman vs. Tyson Fury

Strowman and Fury lock up and the Monster Among Men backs him into a corner. Strowman misses some punches and Fury lands some body shots. Fury puts Strowman in a headlock and hits a shoulder tackle. Strowman drops him with a big boot. Strowman hits more strikes but Fury sends him shoulder-first into the ring post. A right hand drops Fury but he hits a kick when Strowman tries to truck him over.

Fury escapes a slam but Strowman regains control. Fury sits up after Strowman knocks him down. Strowman slams Fury and trucks over him at ringside. Fury rocks Strowman with a right hand that knocks him to the outside. Strowman gets counted out.

Winner via countout: Tyson Fury

Strowman slams Fury after the match and says, “This is my ring.”

WWE Crown Jewel Results continue on the next page.