WWE Crown Jewel Results (10/31/19)

WWE Tag Team World Cup (Tag Team Turmoil): The New Day vs. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode vs. Lucha House Party vs. the Revival vs. the Viking Raiders vs. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins  vs. the OC vs. the B-Team

Roode & Ziggler and Lucha House Party begin the match. Ziggler gains the upper hand and double-teams Lince Dorado with Roode. Dorado hits an athletic stunner. Lucha House Party double-team Roode, who then hits Dorado with a backbreaker. Ziggler hits Dorado with a Fameasser. Roode and Ziggler continue to isolate Dorado. A crossbody gives Dorado some breathing room. Gran Metalik tags in and hits Roode with a missile dropkick. Ziggler superkicks Dorado. Roode distracts the referee, Ziggler superkicks Metalik and Roode DDTs him to eliminate Lucha House Party.

Ryder & Hawkins enter the match and take the fight to Roode & Ziggler. But the former RAW Tag Team Champions quickly gain the upper hand and Ziggler hits Ryder with a Zig Zag to eliminate Ryder & Hawkins. Heavy Machinery enters the match. Tucker catapults Ziggler into the corner and hits him with a crossbody.

Roode chops Tucker and double-teams him with Ziggler. Ziggler attacks Tucker at ringside. Tucker rallies and tags Otis, who clears house. Otis wiggles and dances before he tosses Roode. Roode evades the Caterpillar but Heavy Machinery hit him with the Compactor to eliminate Roode & Ziggler. The New Day enter the match and Big E squares off with Tucker. They display their athleticism and clothesline each other. Otis and Kofi Kingston tag in. Otis slams the former WWE Champion and splashes him in the corner. The Caterpillar gets Otis a near fall. Kingston hits Tucker with a DDT and Otis with Trouble in Paradise. Tucker slams Big E for a near fall. Big E and Kingston hit Up Up Down Down on Tucker to eliminate Heavy Machinery.

The B-Team enter the match. Curtis Axel takes Big E down and the B-Team double-team Big E. Kingston dives onto Dallas outside the ring. Big E hits Axel with Big Ending to eliminate the B-Team. The Revival enter the match and double-teams Kingston. Dash Wilder chops Kingston, who dropkicks Wilder and Scott Dawson.

The Revival continue to isolate Kingston but he hits SOS on Wilder. A double-team move gets Wilder a near fall. Kingston rolls up Wilder to eliminate the Revival, who attack Kingston and Big E after the match. They hit the Shatter Machine on Kingston.

The OC enter the match but Kingston fights out of the Magic Killer. Luke Gallows takes out Big E and the OC hits Kingston with the Magic Killer to eliminate the New Day. The Viking Raiders enter the match and both teams start brawling. Erik tosses Karl Anderson into Gallows. The OC gain the upper hand and Gallows sends Erik sprawling to the outside. Erik rocks Gallows with a right hand and tags Ivar, who slams Anderson. Ivar breaks up the Magic Killer, Gallows drops him with a kick and the OC hit Erik with a Magic Killer for the win.

Winners: The OC

WWE Crown Jewel Results continue on the next page.