Rik Bugez WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (10/23/19)

Team Kick vs. Duke & Shafir

The match began quickly but the Horsewomen were never able to really get out of the gate and a Shiniest Wizard gave Team Kick the win. After the match, Asuka and Kairi Sane would cut a promo in Japanese But would end the promo by saying that next week, the duo would have no chance.

WINNERS: Team Kick

A Keith Lee promo airs.

NXT North American Title –  Keith Lee vs. Dominik Dijakovic vs. Roderick Strong

Lee and Dijakovic surround Roddy on the floor. Strong tries to fight back purple ultimately get knocked to the floor by Lee. Lee Would battle with Dijakovic and stand tall to take us to commercial….

Mid-way through the match, Keith Lee hit a Spirit Bomb as the tail end of a tower of doom spot to send us to commercial.

Back from break, all three men traded strikes ending with Roderick Strong hitting an Olympic Slam on Lee for two. The action would spill to the floor as Dominik and Lee hit some gnarly combinations onto the champion before heading back into the ring to try and settle their feud.

Dijakovic would hit a choke bomb on Lee and both men would hit planchas to the outside that they just should not be capable of hitting! AMAZING.

In the homestretch, Lee would hit a top-rope Spirit Bomb. Roddy would hit a sick kick on Lee immediately after to win. After the match, The ERA hit the ring and laid out Lee

Tommaso Ciampa, Johnny Gargano, and Finn Balor squared off with ERA only for Balor to turn heel on Johnny!!! Balor would drop Johnny with 1916 on the ramp to close a wild NXT!


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