WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (9/30/19)

Sept 30, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Monday Night RAW Results

In-Ring Segment: Rey Mysterio

Mysterio says he is ready for Seth Rollins tonight. Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman interrupt. Lesnar snatches the mic out of Mysterio’s hand and gives it to Heyman. Mysterio snatches it back. Lesnar F5s Mysterio. Lesnar picks up Mysterio and F5s him again. Lesnar locks eyes with Mysterio’s son Dominic. Lesnar pulls Dominic out of his chair. Lesnar slams Dominic into the ring post and barricade. Lesnar tosses Dominic into the ring. Heyman is mortified. Lesnar Germa suplexes Dominic. Mysterio tries to crawl towards his son. Lesnar F5s him again for good measure. Lesnar starts to leave but turns around and F5s Mysterio again. Lesnar goes back in the ring and assaults Fit Finlay and everyone else in the ring.

Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss

Before the match, Becky Lynch joins the commentary table. Banks slams Bliss down to the mat. Bliss sends Banks into the corner. Bliss stomps Banks into the corner. Banks sends Bliss out of the ring. Banks gets on the top rope and yells at Lynch. Lynch stands on the commentary table and jaws with Banks. After the break, Lynch is still standing on the desk. Lynch is taping her fists. In the ring, Bliss manages to send Banks into the corner with a head-scissor. Bliss misses insult to injury. Banks blasts Bliss in the face with a running knee. Bliss kicks out. Bliss fires up. Banks begs off. Banks calls for Bayley. When Bliss turns around, Banks kicks her in the knee. Banks pins Bliss with a handful of tights for the win.

Winner- Sasha Banks

After the match, Lynch runs down to the ring. Banks runs into the crowd.


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