WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (9/30/19)

Backstage, Cesaro says he enjoyed what Lesnar did Mysterio and Dominic. In fact, Cesaro is mad that Lesnar took away Cesaro’s chance to beat the crap out of Dominic. Ricochet walks in and tells Cesaro to watch his mouth. Ricochet challenges Cesaro to a match.

Ricochet vs. Cesaro

Ricochet launches Cesaro out of the ring. Ricochet hits a dive. Ricochet dives off the top but Cesaro catches him in midair. Cesaro drops Ricochet into a nasty backbreaker. Cesaro levels Ricochet with a European uppercut. Ricochet kicks the top rope into Cesaro’s face. Ricochet hits a springboard dragon ranna for the win!

Winner- Ricochet

Firefly Funhouse

All of Wyatt’s friends are scared and shaking. Rambling Rabbit says he is scared to death. Rambling Rabbit keels over and dies. Wyatt says oh well and tosses the rabbit’s corpse across the room. Wyatt’s friends are all scared about what the Fiend is going to do to Rollins in Hell in a Cell. Wyatt says he has a very bad feeling about what The Fiend is going to do to Rollins.

United States Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Cedric Alexander

Styles drives Alexander into the corner. Alexander takes Styles over with a backflip head scissors. Dropkick by Alexander. Alexander sends Styles out of the ring Alexander tries to set up a dive but Styles cuts him off. Styles counters a springboard attempt by Alexander into a rope stunner. Alexander tumbles to the outside. Styles slingshots himself out of the ring into a flying elbow. After the break, Alexander blasts Styles with a slingshot flatliner. Spinning back elbow by Alexander. Alexander hits a GTK. Styles kicks out. Alexander calls for the Lumbar Check. Styles reverses it into a DDT. Styles misses the Phenomenal Forearm. Alexander moves out of the way. Alexander gets a long two count after a Michinoku Driver. Styles and Alexander have a miscommunication which leads to Styles just German suplexing Alexander. Styles reverses the Lumbar Check into the Styles Clash for the win.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, AJ Styles!

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