WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (9/16/19)

Rey Mysterio vs. Cesaro

On the way to the ring, Cesaro says he is going to beat up Mysterio so if he ever shows up in a WWE ring. Mysterio hits a 619 to Cesaro’s back. Cesaro falls off the apron. Mysterio blasts Cesaro with a suicide tornado DDT out on the floor. Mysterio manages to get the win after a sunset bomb.

Winner- Rey Mysterio

The Boss and Hug Connection vs. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross

Bliss hits insult to injury on Bayley. Bliss gets a near fall after a sunset bomb. Banks and Bayley beat down Cross.  Bliss falls off the apron and hurts her knee. Bayley slams Bliss knee first into the ring steps. The medical staff checks on Bliss as Bayley and Banks work over Cross in the ring. Cross fired up and hits a cross body on Bayley. Cross hits her finish on Bayley. Banks breaks it up. Banks puts Cross in the Banks Statement. Cross taps out.

Winners- The Boss and Hug Connection

After the match, Banks grabs a chair. Becky Lynch makes the save. Bayley grabs a chair and joins Banks. Charlotte Flair struts down to the ring to even the odds. Flair takes out Bayley. Lynch hits Banks with a chair.

Backstage, Sasha Banks challenges Lynch to a rematch at Hell in a Cell.

As Mayor Jacobs is walking into the arena. R-Truth rolls up the Mayor for the win.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, R-Truth!

Backstage, Becky Lynch accepts Banks Challenge only if it is in the Hell in a Cell.

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