WWE Clash of Champions Results

WWE Clash of Champions Live Results (9/15/19)

WWE Championship Match: Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Randy Orton

Orton drives Kingston down to the canvas with a shoulder block. Kingston catches Orton with a back elbow. Orton rolls out of the ring so Kingston can’t take advantage. Orton finally gets back int he ring. Kingston lights Orton up with chop after chop. Orton pokes Kingston in the eye. Orton slams Kingston around outside the ring. Orton suplexes Kingston onto the commentary desk. Orton sends Kingston into the ring post, shoulder-first. Kingston fires up and lands a few strikes. Boom drop by Kingston. Orton counters Trouble in Paradise with the Orton backbreaker. Kingston kicks out. Orton tries the hangman’s DDT but Kingston back body drops Orton over the top.

Falling star splash by Kingston. Kingston hits a cross body but Orton rolls through and gets a quick two count. Orton dropkicks Kingston. Orton pokes Kingston in the eye. Kingston hits the SOS. Orton kicks out. Kingston goes up top. Orton lands a nasty powerslam for another long two count. Hangman’s DDT by Orton. Orton calls for the RKO. Kingston reverses the RKO into a roll-up. Orton kicks out. Orton RKOs Kingston. Kingston puts his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin. Orton sets up the Punt. Orton misses. Kingston hits the Trouble in Paradise for the win!

Winner and STILL WWE Champion, Kofi Kingston!

Backstage, The Street Profits run down what going to happen on RAW tomorrow night. Dawkins says Chad Gable is going to win the King of the Ring. King Booker walks in to give his royal declaration on who will win the tournament. Dawkins asks King Booker to knight him. Booker goes off and tells them both to get their minds right.

WWE Clash of Champions Live Results Continues On The Next Page!