WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (8/26/19)

Backstage, Ziggler puts over Roode as the perfect partner.

United States Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Braun Strowman

Strowman tosses Styles to the outside. Strowman runs over Styles twice. Strowman sends Styles back into the ring. Styles tries thee Phoenminal Forearm but Strowman catches Styles in midair. Strowman hits a huge chokeslam. After the break, Styles chop blocks Strowman. Styles works over Strowman’s knee. Styles puts Strowman in the Calf Crusher. Strowman breaks out of it. Strowman can barely stand. Strowman tackles Styles. Strowman picks Styles up for the Powerslam but Styles escapes. Strowman misses a spear and eats the turnbuckle.

Styles pushes Strowman into the referee, knocking him off the apron. Styles kicks Strowman in the nuts. Styles grabs a chair. Styles unloads with the steel chair on Strowman. Strowman hits a Powerslam but there is no referee. The OC hits the ring and attacks Strowman. Strowman takes out Gallows and Anderson with the chair. Styles lays out as if he was also hit with the chair. The referee wakes up and sees Strowman with the chair. Strowman is disqualified.

Winner- AJ Styles

After the match, Strowman destroys everyone.

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