WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (8/12/19)

Samoa Joe vs. Sami Zayn

Joe runs over Zayn. Joe headbutts Zayn over and over again. Zayn tries a leapfrog but Joe locks him in the Coquina Clutch. Zayn taps out.

Winner- Samoa Joe

After the match, Joe says he may have forgiven Roman Reigns but he hasn’t forgiven any of the WWE Universe.

The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler comes to the ring in street clothes. The crowd breaks into a “Goldberg” chant. Ziggler calls Miz a coward. Miz sent Goldberg after him so Ziggler wouldn’t be able to compete tonight. Ziggler isn’t medically cleared to compete tonight. Ziggler attacks Miz from behind and tells the referee to ring the bell. After the break, Miz knees Ziggler in the gut. Miz lands a few strikes in the corner. Miz lands multiple running knee strikes in the corner. Miz blasts Ziggler with an axhandle off the top. Ziggler hits the ZigZag. Miz kicks out. Ziggler tries a Superkick but Miz reverses it into a knee breaker. Miz slaps on the figure-four. Ziggler almost gets to the ropes but Miz pulls Ziggler back to the center. Ziggler taps out.

Winner- The Miz

After the match, Ziggler grabs a mic and tells Miz that he is a coward. Miz isn’t even the best wrestler in his family, Maryse is. Miz runs back down to the ring and drops Ziggler with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Backstage, Becky Lynch says she respects Natty. Lynch says she told everyone she is here to take care of everyone who has done her wrong. If the women in the locker room are smart, they will try to get Lynch before she gets them.

In-Ring Segment: Elias

Elias says another legend interrupted him last night. Elias says he gets it now. Elias says whoever is going to interrupt him should just do it now. No one comes out. Elias exclaims that we are in luck. This is going to the first uninterrupted Elias performance. Ricochet walks out on the ramp and tells Elias that he sucks. Elias challenges Ricochet to a match.

Elias vs. Ricochet

Elias stomps Ricochet in the corner. Huge back body drop by Elias. Ricochet lands a dropkick. Ricochet misses a suicide dive. Elias brings his guitar into the ring. Elias puts it down instead of using it. Ricochet superkicks Elias. Ricochet hits a sunset flip off the top for the win.

Winner- Ricochet

After the replay, it seems Elias’ shoulder was off the mat during the pin.


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