WWE SummerSlam Results

WWE SummerSlam Live Results (8/11/19)

Backstage, Woods and Big E. says they have a surprise for Kingston. Drake! Drake Maverick comes in dancing and rapping. Maverick says they told him R-Truth would be here. He isn’t so Maverick is leaving. Kingston says he has been waiting for this night for a long time. Kingston is going to prove tonight that he can’t be held down.

United States Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) w/Thee OC vs. Ricochet

Ricochet and Styles trade punches. Styles rolls to the outside. Gallows and Anderson try to get involved. Ricochet leaps off the apron, walks on Gallows and Anderson’s shoulder before hitting a ranna on Styles. Styles takes out Ricochet’s knee. Styles focuses on Ricochet’s knee. Styles puts Ricochet in a half crab with the bottom rope. Ricochet catches Styles with an enziguri. Ricochet lands a head kick. Ricochet does a one-legged springboard clothesline. Neckbreaker followed by a standing shooting star press by Ricochet. Styles kicks out. Styles takes out Ricochet’s knee again. Styles floor Ricochet after a baseball slide. Ushigorshi by Styles. Ricochet kicks out.

Enziguri by Ricochet. Styles kicks out. Ricochet tries a suplex by his knee gives out. Styles rolls Ricochet into the Calf Crusher. Ricochet counters and locks Styles in the anaconda vice. Styles fights out of it. Northern lights suplex into a deadlift vertical suplex by Ricochet. Styles kicks out yet again! Ricochet goes out to the apron. Anderson tries to attack him. Ricochet kicks Anderson in the face, then hits a moonsault off the second rope to the outside on Gallows. Ricochet goes up top. Anderson gets on the apron. Ricochet kicks Anderson away again. Ricochet tries a dragon ranna but Styles catches Ricochet and hits the Styles Clash for the win!

Winner and STILL United States Champion, AJ Styles!

After the match, Gallows and Anderson Magic Killer Ricochet.

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